Compass - ID: 73

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by chainsawash on 13/09/2011, 21:46:58

First off, I'm excited that someone is creating a classic Bards Tale like game for the iPad. I've played around with Silversword and like what I see so far. People have already posted some good comments, I'd just like to mention two personal nit-picks.
1) My sense of direction is bad in real life and this translates into digital lives as well. A simple compass in the corner of the screen showing N E S W would cut down on the amount of time wasted bringing up the map just so see which direction I'm facing!
2) The need to pool the parties gold. This annoyed me in the old days and I still dislike it now. Minor gripe I know ;)

Keep up the good work, I'll be watching the progress!

I second the motion for a compass. It would make my movement easier. Otherwise very difficult to know unless a person goes to map.

Thank you for your feedback :-)

The pain will end once your Conjurer gets the Mage Compass spell (at Level 3).
I hope this will help you a bit. But i plan on implementing other means of sensing your direction, too.


Maybe make something related to the Hunter to have a none spell version of the compass? would help to differentiate the Hunter a little?

To be honest the gold thing is proper annoying until you have played a while and built up a stock of gold on every character.. hardly a game breaker but maybe we can suggest some better ideas!?! (the obvious one being that purchased items are just take from a single party pool, but will this complicate the way gold is gained? as its always per party member?).

"Gold Gold Gold Gold.... why aint you singing? ive forgotten the words!"