Support Silversword 2! - ID: 487

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FORUM: Announcements

This topic was started by icetear on 23/02/2012, 18:45:20

Hello dear friends,

while collecting ideas for extending Silversword, I plan on working on a new title.
Silversword 2 - "Götterdämmerung" will become a full-blown 3D fantasy role-playing game in the style of Wizardry VIII, in terms of ruleset and visualization.
Because I live in germany, I cannot start this on ;-)
The german equivalent is - a crowdfunding platform which I will use to get the necessary licenses for the 3D environment (Unity3D).

Please help me bring this to live. The first step is to collect 100 fans (no obligations).
You can visit the project page here: <URL url=""></URL>
I have tried to translate everything to english, and have added subtitles to the promotion video.

Become a fan and get this project started! As soon as there are 100 fans, the fundraising will begin. It will cover 90 days - after that, the target of 15000 Euro has to be reached, or else no funding will take place at all.

Thank you very much in advance
Yours faithfully

Hello Mario!

First of all, I just wanted to say a BIG thank you for helping me go back in time and bringing back some great memories. In the 80's, I played Wizardry 1, 2 and 3 as well as Bard's Tale 1, 2, and 3 and Might and Magic 1 and 2. Those games rocked and ever since the release of those games I would spend years hunting for something similar and you are the person who made the game I have been searching for all these years. Sure Dragon Wars and Devil Whiskey were close, but nothing captured exactly what I was looking for like Silversword has!

However, here is the sad news for me. It seems that with Silversword 2 you are venturing into the type of game I stayed away from. I did not like any of the Wizardry games past the third one nor did I like any of the Might and Magic games past the first two. They just seemed too graphic intensive and just not as fun and simplistic as the earlier releases. I had hoped that you were going to polish Silversword and then work on a sequel that was better (is that possible???) and bigger than Silversword. I thought you would follow in the same footsteps as Bard's Tale but not go as far as Might and Magic and Wizardry did. Might and Magic and Wizardry lost me as a gamer in their later releases and it seems that you are going to lose me as well.

I just wanted to share my thoughts with you Mario. I am not sure if I speak for others but I really wish you wouldn't make Silversword 2 like Wizardry 8. At least call it something different that doesn't have Silversword in the title.

Again, just my opinion. Thank you again for Silversword -- it is by far the best game in the App store!!

Craig from Texas

Hello Craig,

thank you very much for sharing your thoughts.
I can't go into a discussion about what game style is "better" - it's all tied to personal opinion, memories and experiences. I made Silversword mainly for myself - because there is no such an approach in the AppStore (as you mentioned). Now this gap is filled, and by judging the number of sales... this gap is not very large ;-)

Silversword 2 is about gaining more experience in the gaming world, this is mainly for myself again. There are so many things that I have on my mind, that couldn't go into Silversword 1 just because of the game system. If I want to implement these things, I have to write a new game. And that's the plan. I fell in love with The Bard's Tale long ago - and I fell in love with many other games as well. Might & Magic + Wizardry VI(I)(I) were some of these. And there isn't any approach to these games in the AppStore either (ok, one exception maybe). I am not blinded by the possibilites of new 3D engines, I don't want to make a second Infinity Blade. I want to create an immersive gaming experience that will again catch the spirit of the original Bard's Tale, but with more clients supported and with more means to interact with the world. I mentioned Wizardry VII(I) as the prototype / model, because it had two things that I really loved: 1. skill / class change system and 2. a 3D-World (you could go into the trees e.g.). Silversword 1 is not suitable for these things.

But there is good news, as you might have read: I am not going to put Silversword 1 down. I never stopped playing and testing it in the past 13 months, and extending the game was and is on my ToDo list. Silversword 2 is a parallel project. And it might happen, at the end of the year for example, that I decide to make a full-blown sequel that stays in the tradition of part 1. Silversword 2 is yet merely a vision, and things can change.
I really don't want to bug off my fanbase :-)



As a nice Addon, I will donate a computer game or fantasy book of your choice among all fans.

38 Fans to go :-)


just tried to support ya mario, but my deutch is a bit sketchy and they didn't take my vote for sometin i couldn't understand... i typed in my email, a password (not sure for what, unless i have to be a member... which might be the problem) and pressed the little button then the green one... then i got the pop up german scolding thing... i'm just a dumbass American (technically i'm officially part of the Kingdom of Atooi which the U.S.A. illegally is occupying), no second language necessary...!

i trust that whateva ya put your time in is gonna be worth it... also, no game has attracted my attention as much as silversword... so i am putting in my vote that hopefully u can expand this wonderful game!!!

Hi zander,

thank you very much :-)
Perhaps the english version is better to understand: <URL url=""></URL>


ahhh, the little flag thing... can't see it too well on da iphone... it's amuzing that it is an "American" flag for English...
i think it worked... the sight has some issues on my phone, like the pictures keep on moving around when trying to navigate...

also, not to plug myself on your site, mario, but if ya get a chance check out what i play out here on da island... (anyone else can check it out too, please!)

mahalo 'n blessingzzz

Mario - I'm really excited by the concept of Silversword 2, though like others would love more content / expanaions to Silversword 1 even more (being 40, so set in my ways this year!)

I may be being naive, but it may ne worth getting in contact with Catacomber;
<URL url="">[[1]]</URL>
, one of the main driving forces behind the Quest, and its many expansions.

They too are also looking at developing a less retro Unity based rpg game.

I would love Silversword 2 to gather momentum, and go live. I've got concerns over the funding - if the minimum milestone of 100 supporters was achieved, this would require a €150 donation from each supporter to go into debelopment?

The number of fans has nothing to do with the actual funding.
I need the fans to get this project started - then it will be announced globally on the crowdfunding page, and other investors can help me achieving the goal. I already have some people who will support me greatly, but they can only help if the funding phase will start ;-)


That's great news. I'll try to get some more fans, and will certainly donate when it goes to the funding stage.

Congratulations on reaching 100 fans, and with time to spare! It will be exciting to watch the project develop :)

Hi Mario,

Just signed up as a supporter, and thank you for Silversword - absolutely loved it.

Now, I don't know much about creating games, so I have no idea how this would work, but have you considered licensing the Silversword engine. Having put so much effort into the game, and achieved such great game play, it would be a shame if you moved on to another style (which is fair enough) and there were no more games like this on the iPad.

My thought was that you could charge for both the use of the libraries behind Silversword to create new games and royalties for sales on any apps created. That way other people could create their own games with the same playing style but different settings and storylines. This would mean more games for those of us who like this style and extra earnings for you.

As I said, I don't really know how it would work, but it is thought.

Thanks again.

Hi Chris,

thank you for your suggestion.
Well - this would be indeed possible. I already have a map editor which I use to create the game maps and the quests. But this alone is not enough. Items and Creatures would have to be integrated etc.
As soon as I have time for this, I will think about putting up a construction set :-)


Hi Mario,

I'd offer to help but I am on the other side of the world to you, and the only programming I've done is perl CGI scripts. Oh well, I'll keep an eye put for whatever you do next.

BTW, I've just played Silversword through again and it stands up well on repeat visits. Some of those dungeons are absolute crackers.

I only recently 'discovered' the magic if Kickstarter. I've played enough of Silversword to know that a pseudo-sequel which reimplements Wizardry gamerules is something that I absolutely MUST have. I appreciate that you put up an English-friendly page, but it wasn't of much help when it came to actually registering on that site and contributing.

I think I managed to fudge my way through a 25 Euro contribution a week or two back...
At least, I hope the authorization went through!

It is unlikely that I will have taken my board exam and be able to help fund the project before the funding period ends, but if I am able to help, I certainly will. Also, I would buy the heck out of silversword 2.

Hi Mario,

is the project going well?

Best regards, DQ

Hi DQ,

the project is delayed due to problems with the 3D designers...
But I am optimistic that it will continue soon.

Kind regards

Any update on your progress with Silversword 2?

No update ;-(

I am working on it, but since I am alone, I can't promise anything.

Kind regards

I tried going to the page and becoming a fan again. I cannot tell if it worked, since it seems to take you to the old project. Let me know how I can be a fan ( you know I am) if I didn't succeed. This restart is very exciting.

Hi Mario!

Any update on Silversword 2??! I played through the expansion again last week and I'm looking forward to 2!

uhm... no.

Don't look forward to it... hopefully Bard's Tale IV will fill the gap ;-)