Lamp v. Torch - ID: 1643

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by chrlpolk on 20/08/2020, 18:41:29

Does anyone know the stats on these items? I always assumed the order is candletorchlamp. However, I notice that in the first items shop (only open at night), the cost is 4 gold for 1 torch, and 14 gold for 5 lamps (2.8 gold each). That makes the lamps cheaper than torches, which makes me question my assumption that lamps are better than torches.

I thought the only difference was the number of uses. Don't they all just cast "magic flame"?

Ah. Perhaps the duration of “magic flame” increases with level? Nevertheless. So then, torches are equal to candles (which, I believe, is a starting item and has no purchase price.). My RPG reconciliation (that more expensive = better) was going to be that it’s 4 gold for a presoaked torch, and that the party owns a lamp and what you’re buying is just the oil, 14 gold for 5 ounces of lamp oil.

Now give me some time so I can figure out how to overcomplicate some other simple game mechanic!  ;)

You may be just the tiniest bit obsessed.  :)

Me, I've always gotten a smile picturing my team "sneaking" around a dungeon with the daylight spell active and old MacLeod wailing away on his bagpipes.

The Tarnak Guild of Wood Tar Makers (GoWTM) is actually in a dispute with the Alchemists Guild (GoA). Besides many other implications this raised the price for torches (made from wood + wood tar) to new unknown heights. Which in return pleases the Lamp Makers Guild (GoLM) for they now record a remarkable increase in Lamp sales.

Kind regards

P.S. I already petitioned the Tarnak Guild Overseer Office (TGOO) in Annsharbour to release a proper paper about this issue to the public. Should be available soon at your local quest/announcement tree.

P.P.S. Bring a bard to translate the officialese....

And where do the candle makers fit into all this? That's what I'd like to know!

Sorry, I cannot spoil any part of Silversword's (real) Main Questline...

kind regards

They're in league with the butchers and bakers.  ;)

Quote from Author: Visstar

They're in league with the butchers and bakers.  ;)

Well played.

Quote from Author: Visstar

Me, I've always gotten a smile picturing my team "sneaking" around a dungeon with the daylight spell active and old MacLeod wailing away on his bagpipes.

"We've got nothing to do with this Mazuriel. But you come in here with your loud music opening up our linen chests like you have the right, when I JUST got the kids to bed..." - Random Encounter Monster

  • hums* "Dub a dub dub"...

Okay, okay, I need to file an inquiry with the Council of Tubs and the Global Association of Men who like to Bathe Together (GAMBT).

Quote from Author: Visstar

You may be just the tiniest bit obsessed.  :)

Cabin fever... the unreported consequence of Covid-19...

And there is apparently an official complaint filed by the Stone Carvers and Art Monsters (S.C.A.M.) guild about all the free stone statues left lying all over the place by someone's Paladin with a Stone Blade! Apparently the Corpse And Slaughter / Keep Everything Tidy (C.A.S.K.E.T.) crew won't remove stoned monsters, believing them to be non-corpses and therefore outside their contractual duties.

Well, while we’re on this conspiratorial ranting, someone needs to send consumer investigators and health inspectors to that Armory. The “Learher Armour” that it sells is no better than worn rags, and there’s a reason the rats are hanging around there and not a sight of them at the other businesses!

That's so funny, I always think of that when when I'm starting a game and outfitting the team! Why waste money on nice new leather duds when the old rags are just as good? (And chafe less?)

And why does the Castle armory sell arrows but not bows? Oh, the quirks of trade in time of war.