Boots of Speed? - ID: 1637

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by jsbearu on 23/07/2020, 21:37:48

Hello, Colleagues,

Although a latecomer, I'm totally loving this game. Thank you, Mario, I hope you have additional content coming in the near future...

Question: From lurking through previous threads, I believe there are at least two pair of Boots of Speed in the game (expansion). I found a pair in Darkwell but have not be able to locate any others (if they exist).

I've spent many, many hours, poking through maps, dungeons, etc and, at this point, I'd certainly appreciate a spoiler.

Thanks to all of you for the information contained in the forum.



The other pair is in Miner's Deep, 3rd level, far SE corner, behind a hidden door.


<ATTACHMENT filename="MinersDeep3.PNG" index="0">[attachment=0]MinersDeep3.PNG[/attachment]</ATTACHMENT>

Ah - can't believe I missed that. Thank you very much, Visstar.

You bet. Just curious -- what is your party makeup and who's getting the boots of speed? I have a Paladin, Monk (boots of speed), Bard, Rogue (hidden), DC with Staff of Storms and boots of speed, and two archmages.