Some questions - ID: 1341

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Divi8 on 27/01/2015, 12:41:48

(English is not my native language so sorry if I make faults, my German is even worse)

First of all, congratulations to the dev. I play pc games since 1987 and bought an ipad a year ago.
THIS is the best, deep, RPG for ipad I have ever played and I have played a lot of them!

Been searching for a turnbased RPG for my ipad for a year now but most of them were deleted after a few days or even a few hours. Baldur's Gate I and II. Shadowrun, Shadowrun Dragonfall, Chaos Rings, Battleheart Legacy, Avadon series ... name one and I bought it but I was never sucked into the game mechanics.

Been playing for about 10 hours now and I have some questions.
1. I bought the compendium but didn't find a guide how to create and upgrade (I play modern way) a character.
Is there a guide somewhere? I've read some sticky notes here for certain classes but how is the best way to upgrade a warrior for example?
2. Is the spawning of monsters in a dungeon less when returning from a dungeon or when entering a second time?
3. I only got one quest for now, the herb quest and I think I missed the actual herb. I killed the plant in the deeper dungeons. There was a crack in the wall there but I did not know what to do? What do I have to do to get these herbs?



Quote from Author: Divi8

First of all, congratulations to the dev. I play pc games since 1987 and bought an ipad a year ago.
THIS is the best, deep, RPG for ipad I have ever played and I have played a lot of them!

Thank you very much! :-) Vielen Dank!

<QUOTE>[quote] 1. I bought the compendium but didn't find a guide how to create and upgrade (I play modern way) a character.
Is there a guide somewhere? I've read some sticky notes here for certain classes but how is the best way to upgrade a warrior for example?

I can't give you an answer on this one. If you need particular hints, try these forums and address other players. I think there are different ways of playing the game, and you will be fine by just experimenting a bit.

<QUOTE>[quote] 2. Is the spawning of monsters in a dungeon less when returning from a dungeon or when entering a second time?

No, it is not. Exception: If there is a fixed encounter, it will be gone forever once killed.

<QUOTE>[quote] 3. I only got one quest for now, the herb quest and I think I missed the actual herb. I killed the plant in the deeper dungeons. There was a crack in the wall there but I did not know what to do? What do I have to do to get these herbs?

Killing the plant should give you the needed item to fulfill the quest. If you lost the item, you might try again later... the herb needs some time for regrowth.

Kind regards