Druids grove - ID: 509

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Braelo on 02/03/2012, 22:41:49

I got the shard from the temple but can't seem to get out of the grove
Hint please

I'm wandering there as well...have not found any temples

Look in the eastern part of the grove and you have to levitate a cross water

I'm having trouble even finding the Druids grove. Any hints? On which map can I find it?

I'd you have a rogue he will let you know when the secret is near. If not run sorcerers sight. Or

Just bump into trees in savage crossing. Just passed where you first met Gwyddon

Thanks Relmor. Got it.

Stuck in the Temple. I meandered through the trapped area, got passed the secret word, walked past the graves, hung a left, and walked through the wall (which didn't seem "secret" via minor revelation). Now I'm stuck in a room. I cannot seem to go back the way I came, I tried shatter walls at three different areas, but I'm running out of spell points. How do I get out of that room???

Regarding the secret word, I just kept guessing. Did I miss a clue somewhere?

OK if it is asking you what the trees are telling you it is

save nature

If you are at a different point can you give me more information and I'll try to help you

Relmor and other veterans-- I'm way past that point. I'm just a little past the color-based secret word. I got that by process of elimination (I don't remember seeing a clue anywhere). I'm stuck in a room after passing the color secret word and the grave stones. I passed the gravestones, turned left, went to the end of the corridor, and then I seem to have entered this room through a secret door. Now I'm stuck in that room-- I can't go back the way I came, nor does Shatter Walls seem to work in that room. I tried SW in 3 different areas, to no avail. I'm running low on SPs, so I stopped trying. Is there a trick to get out of that room? It is in the upper left corner of the map, actually pretty close to the entrance to the whole area (from Savage Crossing)-- it's just on the other side of the wall.

As i remember it, Once you get the shard of nature there is a secret door in that area where tou are at back to the beginning area so you have to be close.

I found a way out. I must not have had minor revelation on and didn't see another secret door. Didn't get the shard yet, so I have to meander my way through again. Thanks so much.