Anything new?? - ID: 1595

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by chrlpolk on 10/10/2019, 20:33:51


I tried posting this on the "Announcements" section but it would not let me post there. Maybe because I'm not "levelled up" enough on the forum?

Do you have any new plans with the Silversword story, or is it now complete as-is? I've seen your other posts regarding sunken islands and castles and new expansions, but then they got sidelined by your new house (back in 2014/2015).

Hi there,

no, nothing new. I have worked on some content, but it is not ready yet.
I don't know when or if I will continue for several reasons.
One reason is that my artist doesn't have the time to create new art. This means that I am not able to create new interesting creatures.
Another reason is that the underlying rules make it difficult to add more challenging content - which causes a lot of headache.

And as long as I have headaches, I won't bring up any new content, sorry ;-)

kind regards

I don't think it necessarily has to be more challenging, if the story is compelling! I may send you a PM (which I guess goes to your email?) with an idea I had while reading your posts. I can't code (yet), my drawings look exactly the same as they did when I was 6 years old, but I do love mysteries!

Quote from Author: icetear

Hi there,

no, nothing new. I have worked on some content, but it is not ready yet.
I don't know when or if I will continue for several reasons.
One reason is that my artist doesn't have the time to create new art. This means that I am not able to create new interesting creatures.
Another reason is that the underlying rules make it difficult to add more challenging content - which causes a lot of headache.

And as long as I have headaches, I won't bring up any new content, sorry ;-)

kind regards

What kind of underlying rules are there? I’d be interested in the mechanics of the game rules.

Quote from Author: aldube30

What kind of underlying rules are there? I’d be interested in the mechanics of the game rules.

If you buy the Compendium (in-app purchase), it replaces the in-game manual with a very detailed explanation of the game mechanics.

I think he's referring to the old D&D problem of what do to with high-level parties, the solution usually being to double the monster's hitpoints! At a certain point, there's only so much you can do to up the challenge.

Quote from Author: chrlpolk

I think he's referring to the old D&D problem of what do to with high-level parties, the solution usually being to double the monster's hitpoints! At a certain point, there's only so much you can do to up the challenge.

Ironically, one of the things on icetear's to-do list is to solve this very problem. Apparently he had plans at one point to build an expansion where your characters retire and years later something new arises and it's up to their heirs to save the land again.

I keep picturing my monk's young daughter walking into the kitchen and saying, "Mama, what's this silvery sword I found in your closet?"  :)

Quote from Author: Visstar

I keep picturing my monk's young daughter walking into the kitchen and saying, "Mama, what's this silvery sword I found in your closet?"  :)

"Put that away, that's for grown ups."

LOL - I sent Mario an idea for an expansion that began with the question, "What would piss off players more than anything else?" At this point, I'd be completely satisfied with basically a carbon copy of the game mechanics, but with a new locale and set of quests.

Quote from Author: chrlpolk

"Put that away, that's for grown ups."


I told icetear I'd pay for an expansion with just a few new maps, no new monsters, and a quest to find and destroy the source of the astralyte. But that's probably a lot more work than it sounds since cleaning up the astralyte would involve changing so much of the other maps in the game.

<QUOTE>[quote]Ironically, one of the things on icetear's to-do list is to solve this very problem. Apparently he had plans at one point to build an expansion where your characters retire and years later something new arises and it's up to their heirs to save the land again.

I keep picturing my monk's young daughter walking into the kitchen and saying, "Mama, what's this silvery sword I found in your closet?"

If the game is reaching it's limitations, and he's thinking of recycling game material, then why not make it interesting...
Silversword W - W for Wizardry themed, he can adjust those rules & classes to fit the game.

The game takes place in a parallel universe on the same Silversword world where magic is Wizardry based instead of Bard's Tale. Spell points can still be used for magic classes Cleric, Mage, Wizard, Samurai & Lord, maybe even include some of the Wizardry 7 classes for added variety (bard, ranger, Valkarie, Monk, Alchemist, and Psionicist), to make class switching unnecessary, each character just gets 1 class the entire game. The monster's & items will need some tweaking , due to the different character development & power curve.

If the game has reached it's limits using the Bard's Tale inspired rules, then why not try a different set of rules and see how the game develops.

Quote from Author: aldube30

If the game has reached it's limits using the Bard's Tale inspired rules, then why not try a different set of rules and see how the game develops.

That would be fascinating! Unfortunately, I don't think he was referring to Bard's Tale rules, I think he was referring to the rules of the programming language, or the way he overlaid it on the map grid. The two are intimately linked, as we saw in the snippet of code he showed us in the "darned rats" thread.