First impression - ID: 945

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Foenix on 25/11/2012, 15:09:39

Well the new low res mode allows silversword to work on my iPod now so I thought I'd give my first impressions

My party is level 8 and in the watchtower in the mountains. I grew up playing wizardry (never played bards tale before) so a 7 character party and the lack of a priest/cleric class is a new dynamic for me. Definitely not a bad one tho

Overall classes and races seem varied and interesting. I just swapped out my bard for a hunter tho and I must admit I'm wondering what the point of the hunter is. Something I'm missing?

Overall the feel of the game is almost like the old pen and paper sessions in high school.

Silversword is truly amazing especially for such a reasonable price. I paid $45 for wizardry 7 when it was released. Now that I can play it I am extremely pleased. Thank you for such a wonderful game. But....


Only one complaint tho I do feel its legitimate. Silversword is hard on the eyes on the iPod/iphone. Is there any way that at least the font of the message panel could be changed? Just that alone would help alot. Alot of us who are fans of these types of games have older eyes lol. Also I bought the compendium, is there any way to read it out of the app. It's just too small in silversword itself

Again. Great game. Thank you thank you thank you

Hi Foenix,

glad that you are able to play it now!

The hunter has the critical hit ability, which makes him useful later in the game.

As for the font size: With the next update you will be able to adjust the font size of the output window, this will make the buttons larger, too.

The compendium can be downloaded via iTunes App Sharing. Plug in your device to a computer, start iTunes, and navigate to the App Sharing settings. You should find your saved games along with the Compendium.


THANK YOU!!! Sorry lol. That is awesome news tho. Really enthused.

I don't have much access to a PC. Anyway of downloading it on the iPod itself? I don't think iTunes sharing is on the iPod?
Again thanks

Hi Foenix,

I am sorry, but there is no option of downloading it to other destinations yet.

If you could send me a copy of your In App Purchase receipt (<EMAIL email=""></EMAIL>), I can send you the compendium via E-Mail.

Kind regards