Minor improvement suggestions - ID: 1320

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by femaiden on 06/11/2014, 01:28:08

<QUOTE>[quote]i love this game and have over 40 hours in it already.

Thank you very much!

<QUOTE>[quote]i have a couple of minor criticisms though.

You are welcome :-)

<QUOTE>[quote]if you played the original bard's tale games, you would see when you emcounter enemies, the portrait of the enemy shown is not really a static image. the enemy portraits are actually animated(crudely), but the point is, if they could animate the enemies on the commodore 64, i'm sure you can animate them here.
maybe its not that minor, i dunno. animation could be tricky.
i like the portrait artwork you chose for the enemies.

i just think if they were animated,meven crudely like with only a few frames or something, it would greatly enhance the gameplay.

I don't know an artist that would do animations for a reasonable price, very sorry. I talked about this with my current artist, but she had no experience with animations. I would love to see animations, too - no doubt - but I just don't know how to afford them.

<QUOTE>[quote]also, on the subject of enemy portraits. you reuse the same portrait for many different enemies of the same type.
usually when old school games do this, they do a "palette swap" so that each different type of say, goblins, looks a little different.
you could re-use the same portraits, but just make them a different color.

I tried this with some enemies, but not with all, that's true.

<QUOTE>[quote]also, with the sound effects. i know this game was supposed to kind of emulate that "old school" video game feeling, but still, you have the full capabilities of an ipad at your fingertips.
i think you should add more variety of sound effects.

There is a huge difference between getting sound effects for personal use and for commercial use. As soon as you want to use something for your own game (and sell it), it costs a lot of money.

Indeed, I have the full capability, and the game surely does not use it ;-) But sad to say: I am doing this all by myself. I don't have an artist for animations, I don't have a music or sound designer. I just have my spare time - which is somewhat cut short at the moment, because I have to renovate our house.

<QUOTE>[quote]also with the sound the characters make when they die. it makes the same sound whether the enemies die or your characters die, so when going at fast text speed, its hard to tell if you killed tour enemies or they killed you.
i think tre monsters should make a more "monstery" screech when they die and your characters have that "ugh" sound. also, it would be cool if female characters made a different sound than male characters when they die.

I will try to change this in an upcoming update, promised.

<QUOTE>[quote]again, this seems really minor, it would take i dunno...like 10 minutes of searching for like 6 more sound effects to add to the game?

If you happen to find some effects that you would like to hear, and that can be used commercially, let me know :-)
But I will see what I can do to improve your gaming experience 8-)

Kind regards

Make your own sound effects if u can't find public domain ones... That's what my game programming book I read some 20 years ago suggested anyway..Just make sure u find a sound editor that doesn't have a no commercial use of created works license... Which at least in the states here is contestable anyway.

Animating simple images is just flipping between two stances of that object, more than two if more fluidity is needed. If your game is not using a animation ready image format like gif then the timing of the flips will be up to u the programmer, and the artist simply supplies two or more different stances for the character/object to be animated. You can even do partial body animations when the arms for example are the only animated part. Partial body animation is much easier to draw, but is also the most stiff looking.