Dragoncaller - ID: 1263

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Graypaws on 17/02/2014, 00:34:01

Spell points are problematic. Even with optimum stats, only levels 2 and 5 dont have spells you cant cast due to a lack of spell points. Without power leveling they are damn near useless for the first 20 levels. Its odd that a class that has the most high costing spells has the lowest overall mana pool. It takes getting to roughly 16th level to cast any spell at least once. Hell, the 3rd level teleport takes anywhere from 11th lvl to 13th to cast. Perhaps a one time boost at creation of 50 spell points wouldnt be so overboard.

Never played a game where you have to wait so long to cast low level spells you have paid to learn. Not a criticism, just a thought.

Although I like running multiple DCs in my party, I never thought of this as a problem. I used Dragon Tooth from the beginning with the DCs in the back row. My high level other characters helped the fledgling DCs raise to level 10 very quickly. They had plenty of spell points for Dragon's Fury by the time they got to level 9. To me the growth for DC spell points fit okay with the slow growth general pace of other character types in the game.

Rerolling your DCs as they change class seemed to make it possible for them to start with 25 points or so at level 1 (even in modern).

My issue is that you get spells you cant cast without power leveling. Power leveling is simple enough, but, ive never played a game before where you cant cast a spell when you learn it because you dont have the spell points. If you want, take it from the casters ingame veiwpoint. Why would the 1st dragoncaller call something a 3rd rank spell when it takes the power (spell points) of a 7th level spell to cast? Again, this isnt a major issue, just one that nags at the back of the mind.

On a side note, absolutely love the bonehouse. The graphics, the creatures, the drops (despaired of ever seeing forgus again), and no obnoxious mana/health/light traps. If that is a spoiler, sorry bud. Just really love farming there.

Yeah, the Bonehouse is THE place.

I left out that it also really helps gain SP quicker if your character's intelligence is 24 before converting to DC.

Yep, 25 intell on my warrior before changing. Think class changes things as well. Tried warrior, hunter, rogue and bard, and warrior had the highest starting sp.

If you save right before converting, and reroll several times, you'll see you get one number from a range of SP as possible for the base SP.

I like my 4 converted master thieves, because invisible DCs can cast without the risk of becoming visible. And when the party is led by 4 invisible characters, most foes lose their attacks...