Gameplay Requests - ID: 770

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Praesul on 06/11/2012, 17:41:35

First off - great game and great support, Mario. Brings back memories of my Apple II days.

I would love to see a few things, at least one of which has already been requested.

I would love a portable camping feature - not having to trek all over the place would be great. I'm not a fan of travel-grinding even with a mouse and a keyboard, but it's slightly more obnoxious on an iPhone.

Along the same lines, randomizing shop inventory or even random encounters with merchants would be great because it'd alleviate the monotony during the grind periods where the focus is leveling up. We all love equipment upgrades.

Finally, directly to the grinding - an arena of some sorts where you can duck in and fight a bunch of battles and get some gold/exp and then go somewhere close to heal/camp.

My first 5 hours with the game was awesome. I'm currently grinding away trying to get my party strong enough to take on the 2 dozen mob groups in the burial mound. It's not nearly as much fun as the first 5 hours :)

Praesul wrote-"Along the same lines, randomizing shop inventory or even random encounters with merchants would be great because it'd alleviate the monotony during the grind periods where the focus is leveling up. We all love equipment upgrades."