Missed...missed....missed....missed.... - ID: 96

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by mamü on 29/09/2011, 17:25:38

Searching for Bard´s Tale in the App Store I found....the Silversword! Blast from the past I could read somewhere and I fully agree to that! I like it as I liked the Bard´s Tale!

Just one think....I played now for around 10 hours....but mainly because of the fights taking on forever....maybe I made some mistakes in choosing the wrong class or whatever (as I wanted to start I did not much care about the Stats....) but there is some frustration if you fight 8 rats and three times in a row NOBODY could hit....not the rats and not my party....I am not saying that you should start with a Level 1 Char and kill everything easy.....but a hit from time to time.... ;)

I belive that some people might start playing the game but after 2 or 3 hours without reaching level 2 or 3 they could stop playing it and give a bad rating for the game....just a thought.

I am looking forward to the release and def. will buy it....if its not too expensive though....


Hello Mamü,

thank you for your message!
Indeed, too much misses will greatly reduce the joy :-/

With one of the next updates, the toHit Chance will increase for fighter classes - this should make a significant difference.
It would be a shame to give in to rats, indeed :-)
