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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Questor on 29/11/2017, 02:35:31

Maybe i’m Just dumb as toast but I can’t figure out how to proceed on Miners Deep level 5. I’ve read through other forum related forum topics and didn’t find them helpful. I’ve mapped the red, blue, green and white squares but have yet to find any way to get them to open access to any of the hidden passages or the room with the ladder to level 6. Need serious help. Also is there a way to move the mine carts?

By Oshtur, Miner's Deep was nasty! And Level 5 was the worst! I just went back to my map to see if there were clues I could give you, but either I messed up during mapping or there was some luck involved that couldn't be mapped. Or both. :x

I attached my map in case it helps. You'll notice you can't reach the stairs down without going through a teleport or a solid wall. Two things I remember from Miner's Deep are that sometimes the walls change (I think the red and green lights indicate the open or closed states of doors, but I'm not sure) and sometimes you have to step on a teleport to be taken somewhere useful (either by design or luck). So you may still have some blundering around to do.  :|

Good luck!

Thanks for the map! Can you recall how the map grids with the colors work? If I were to move onto a blue grid and this is supposed to trigger the opening of a door, it would seem that then cruising the passages and landing on another colored grid resets whatever I triggered before. Or rather does moving over the colored trigger points activate the intervening corridor space (I.e., room) and these need to be triggered in a specific sequence with the sequence reset by the grid that contains the message in the SW corner? There must be a way to reset the sequence when you mess up. I would think..The message must contain the sequence. Just thinking this out...

I never worked out any pattern, sorry. Going to a colored square did not effect any change at all that I could see; however, if I went back later, the color hight have changed and an open corridor might become blocked or vice versa. I got through the level by blundering around till I got to Level 6, and when I finished with that I left and never returned. I consider Miners Deep one of the most difficult mazes I have ever encountered. Curse icetear and his devious mind!! :lol:

<QUOTE>[quote]Curse icetear and his devious mind!! :lol:

You curse icetear, but he resisted the spell.


The saving throw for a level 999 dungeon master is ..... whatever he wants it to be.  ;)

Huzzah!! I figured it out! On to level six....

Well done! If there was any logic to this level, feel free to explain it here.  ;)

Please explain, Questor :)

Edit : i did it, but i don't know how...

Quote from Author: Visstar

Well done! If there was any logic to this level, feel free to explain it here.  ;)

This was the only level in Miner's Deep that seemed logical to me.

Every time a glow is mentioned, there is a passage in the direction mentioned. However, at the start Green and White passages are open, while Blue and Red passages are closed. When you encounter the message next to the chest in the far south, it opens "Sky" (meaning blue) and burns "Forest" (meaning green). Now you can go through Blue passages, and doing so will let you reach another message that opens "Hell" (red) but causes "Angels" (white) to die (close). Going through the Red passages will eventually lead to the stairs down.

I think my favorite part of this level was just the relatively few darkness squares. I may have developed a phobia after levels 3 and 4.

Well curse me for a novice. I never even considered that the words might be symbols for the colors. I though they were just for mood.

Well done solving that puzzle!!

Thanks rakenan for helping with the solution.

I think the key is to not go down previously closed routes since that will restart the puzzle. For example, after you get the message to open blue and close green (forests are burned) you then need to move along blue routes to get to the message that opens red and closes white. Now you need to travel through blue and red routes (white will be closed; but you must avoid all green) to get to the next floor. Also save your game frequently to avoid having to restart due to a mistake.

Good points rwb. Does that mean you made it to 6? I see that my old map was not extremely clear about the solution.

When facing the ladder down, go to the right, avoiding the teleports, follow the tunnel east and north and kick west. You'll find a hidden door that lets you access the ladder.

After level 5, level 6 was a breeze!

Quote from Author: Visstar

Good points rwb. Does that mean you made it to 6? I see that my old map was not extremely clear about the solution.

When facing the ladder down, go to the right, avoiding the teleports, follow the tunnel east and north and kick west. You'll find a hidden door that lets you access the ladder.

After level 5, level 6 was a breeze!

Yes, I got to 6 and I’m all done with Miner’s Deep as far as I know; thanks!

Miner's Deep was a B*tch! I don't think I ever went back!! There are four great things to find, as I recall (two essential). As long as you got the staff and used it to get the essential item from the Chamber of Storms, you can proceed, but if you missed the Boots of Speed and Ring of Force (or Gloves of Force, I forget) you will want to go grab them.  :)