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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Lost_Paladin on 22/10/2017, 02:21:33

What are the best weapons and armour for each class? I have bunch of "of forgus" stuff for melee characters and "runed" stuff for mages.

You may find some differing opinions by searching the forum, but here is my opinion.

The best offensive weapons are probably:

  • Bronze Dayblade: for a long time, this will be your best weapon, along with a battleaxe or lance. I went through Annsharbour and Paradosa with nothing but Dayblades.
  • The Silversword, usable by any warrior type. I have a barbarian warrior turned Dragoncaster with this equipped. Damage is low, but it has critical hit ability as well as save and AC bonus and HP regeneration.
  • The Axe of Souls, for its damage.
  • The Stone Blade, usable only by a Paladin, for its special ability to stone an opponent. It's fun to see weird effects like a fire elemental being turned to stone. I have one for my Paladin, but she has the Axe of Souls equipped, as later in the game, more powerful monsters are immune to stoning.
  • Knuckledusters, usable only by a Monk. This makes each punch count, and considering you get more and more punches as your levels increase, this weapon gets better and better. As your ability to kill with a single attack grows, you'll learn that monks can attack and kill more than one enemy per round. Soon you'll be assigning your monk to take care of entire groups of monsters while the rest of the party gangs up on another group. These are rare, so don't put a bronze rune on them! Silver minimum.
  • Singing Sword for your Bard. It's the only item in the game worth putting your bard in the front four (melee) position). Until you get one, your bard should have a Bardsword.
  • Staff of Storms and Firestaff are the best weapons for archmages, but ironically you won't use them all that much because of their range limit and the better spell options. However, they are useful when you are trying to conserve spell points. Many on this board swear by converting their monks to Dragoncallers and having them attack with the Staff of Storms. I tried this with mine and she started hitting for up to 50,000 HP -- but only once per round. She had lost het chain attacks, so I reloaded my saved game and went on with her as a monk again.
  • Assassine, usable only by a rogue, dishes major damage and also has critical hit ability like the Silversword.
  • Dragonbone Bow. Although my rogue has an assassine, she keeps the bow equipped since she is normally in the #5 slot (out of melee range) and can fire an infinite number of bone arrows over the four melee characters and usually critically hit monsters with them.
  • For a long time, the best "weapons" your mage types will have will be rings: first the Ring of Power, then the Ring of Destruction. Eventually, Sodar's Cleansing will only cost you 1 SP, and you won't really need the Ring of Destruction for that; plus, while it's a great spell for Annsharbour and Karilan Andur, you'll need much more powerful spells in places like Inferno and the Coastal Lands.
  • The best item in the game is probably the Horn of Sodar, usable only by a bard. Its group damage exceeds even the most powerful archmage spell in the game.

    Anything "of Forgus" is better than the other versions of that item, but that doesn't mean it's the best thing you can have. The Fiery Avenger of Forgus, e.g., is easily bested by the Axe of Souls and the Assassine.

    Most items can take runes, and you will want to add silver or better runes to weapons, especially in the expansion where you will meet werewolves. DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT add a bronze rune to anything of value. A rune cannot be removed, and the bronze rune will prevent you from adding a better rune later. Use bronze runes on bronze and steel items that you don't mind tossing later when you start finding Andursteel and Forgus versions of the same item.

    The best armor is probably:

  • Elf Cloak: easily purchased and a small AC boot for each character (except, strangely, the monk).
  • Boots of Speed. Your first one should probably go to your monk, and if you find more, give them to whichever character you want to attack earlier in the round.
  • Wyvernhide Cuir Bouilli armor and gloves for dragoncallers and rogues.
  • Runed Fairyskin Gowns for archmages, dragoncallers, and monks
  • Plate armor, gloves of Forgus for warrior types.
  • Shield Ring: not too common but you'll find a couple. They give you a small AC boost and can be worn by anyone and combined with other items.
  • Ring of Protection: even more rare, they give any character a boost of 20 on their saves. Save these for non-magic users, who already get improved saves due to their magical nature.
  • Runed Sorcerer's Hood and Cap of Resolution for magic users. The hood has the added bonus of casting mage maelstrom. You'll love effortlessly wasting things like Orc Shamans that so tormented yoo earlier in the game!
  • Gloves, Helms, and Shields are among the hardest things to upgrade. It'll take a long time before you find something better than a tower shield! But there are plate gloves (Andursteel and of Forgus), the Shield of Life, and Dwarven Shields out there.
  • Buckler of Forgus: the best shield available for a monk or rogue. Combine this with a ring of protection, the bandit's brassard, and boots of speed to keep your monk upright.
  • Zen Gloves and Ninja Suit: not technically armor, but adding Gold or Electrum runes will five AC and saving throw bonuses to your monk. Until you get some good runes, you're probably not going to want your monk wearing these items.
  • Eventually your mage types will probably stow their cuir bouilli gloves for Gloves of Force, which (like Rings of Force) regenerate their spell points.