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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Gwendor Irontoe on 30/01/2013, 21:49:24

Hello. There is a post in the bug reports about this, but I thought I would re-post it in this forum.

After defeating the game and concluding the Dragon Tower expansion, I decided to search around the sewers some more.

I found a room between 11/24 and 11/25. You enter from a false wall from 11/24. It's basically a small room between the two sewer rooms. It's 3 spaces deep and 1 space wide.

When I enter, It states: "The secret Passage is filled with an intense smell of incense. Do you really think you belong here?"
On the southern most end, against the wall, it states: "You can see trails leading through the wall to the south. The wall looks very solid, tho."

When I look at the map, I shows that a path continues south beyond the wall, but I can't seem to get through.

Any suggestions?

Or is this part of the next expansion?

Oh, and to exit the room, I just use Shatter Walls on any of the other walls.

Gwendor Irontoe

One last thing that's been bugging me.... There is a door just north of the Tarasz passage in the sewers. It looks like a door, but behaves like a wall. Meaning, when I try to walk through, I get the inevitable "ouch" as if I just ran into a wall.

I think Mario put it there just to mess with our minds. But I just want to see if anyone else has gotten through.

Thanks. And as always..... Great game Mario!

You are right. I have never gotten past that door either. Perhaps Mario will use it in the expansion...

Just had an afterthought: did you try shatter walls (and other spells) on and near it?

No clue on how to get in the other door from the sewer. I assumed it was to be part of the expansion. The door in 11/24 has a time component to it... Like the grave mound... Be there at the same time. Go to the rest rooms in the sewer, then leave out the emergency exit at the right time.

Quote from Author: Gwendor Irontoe

When I enter, It states: "The secret Passage is filled with an intense smell of incense. Do you really think you belong here?"
On the southern most end, against the wall, it states: "You can see trails leading through the wall to the south. The wall looks very solid, tho."

When I look at the map, I shows that a path continues south beyond the wall, but I can't seem to get through.

Any suggestions?


Gwendor Irontoe
try entering at midnight

I have a question. If it weren't for these forums, what clues in the game tell me about the time-based continuation throughout the sewers? What clues did I miss in interacting with the NPCs? I don't mind kicking some walls or wasting some spell points on shattering walls, but a time-based scenario is a little high maintenance if there aren't any clues, and I want to try to play the game legit as much as possible (figuring out the clues and their references), but I would have never found this without help.

What did I miss along the way?

I have to admit that I didn't gave any special clues about this door.
The secret sewer area acts as kind of "bonus level" that is meant to be revealed by chance and the gathered efforts of the player base. Please don't get mad on me :-)

Kind regards

What’s worse is if your party has no mana left to cast ‘shatter wall’! Seriously, I cannot find my way out, all the walls report as solid and there are no doors......

Oops. When you say no one left, you mean your caster is dead? No Paladin to resurrect, or divine powder? Or out of spell points, and no spirit chant or harmonic gems?

Well, it's sort of cheating, but you could use an in-app purchase for a potion of divine restoration or a safety crystal. The potion restores everyone in the party to pristine condition, and the crystal transports you to Castle Cranbourgh.

P.S. I don't think I was specifically told to enter at midnight, but midnight is a special time in the game, and there's the memory if entering the grave mound at midnight.

before you spend real money to get out send me your saved game so that I can teleport you outside.
The secret area was never meant to be a money sink ;-)

Kind regards

For what it's worth, I got stuck in there the first time I played through, too! I had to reload a saved game.

I tend to use three save spots, not just in Silversword but any RPG that allows it. One when I enter a new area for the first time. Another to save after every quest or story progression. And one that I'm constantly saving after battles and such. This way there's always something relatively close I can load back up.