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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Titansiege on 07/09/2011, 19:54:25

Okies folks, just wondering how people set up their groups?

I have the following..


Now ive done just about everything in the lite version im going to try out a monk and maybe a hunter..

Whats kinda teams do you folks use? and what problems do you get using it...?

I originally had a monk instead of a Rogue but this proved to be expensive on the old spell points when everything in dungeons dropped chests.. i think id still prefer a monk.... but we will have to see..

"Insert amusing comment here.. im having a break"


Wondering if I need a spot free for quest somewhere, being that I'm stuck. I like the monk. He hits 3 times now :)

Quote from Author: Mattuse
Wondering if I need a spot free for quest somewhere, being that I'm stuck. I like the monk. He hits 3 times now :)

Not planned at the moment ;-)


Paladin - Faith
Hunter - Hilda Hardin
Bard - Melodia
Monk - Iria Irgun
Rogue - Sylvia Sneak (shuriken)
Conjurer - Sheila Burne (throwing dagger)
Magician - Arcanista (throwing dagger)

Everyone is level 5 right now, hoping that eventually the Monk will get a decent AC and that the Hunter will be fixed in the next version. The most reliable hitters are the Paladin and the Monk, thanks to their multiple attacks and the fact that I've equipped them with as much accuracy-boosting gear as possible.

Is there a quick way to re-roll the character attribute dice?

I would like to properly personalise my characters, but the scores are coming back well below the pre-made characters.

Hey you can have 7 characters!?!

You know ive never even tried.. the 7th slot in Tales was always for summoned pets and such..

Think im gonna have to go have another look at this :P whoooopeeee might get that monk in as well as bard then..

Feeling a tad daft now :P

"best go hoover and get off the forums before im single"

Right after getting the revelation that i can have seven party members... ive had a quick change around.. honestly should play the game and remember its not actually Bards Tales.. lol :P

Denekar - Dwarf Warrior
Titanikus - Dwarf Paladin
Lree - High Woman Bard
Gothika - High Woman Monk
Sigje - Rogue
Findel - Magician
Sierrra - Conjurer

"cant think of owt to put here today"

Ba Wa, AC -7
Dw Pa, AC -7
Hm Ba, AC -7
Ho Ro, AC -9
Ba Hu, AC -7
Hm Co, AC 6
Gn Ma, AC 2

All lvl 5 at the moment

Dwarf Paladin
Barbarian Warrior
Human Monk
Human Bard
Hobbit Rogue
Elf Conjurer
High-man Magician

Took me a while to get this party pefect but here's what I have (unbuffed):

1) Female Human Paladin, Level 6; St: 18, Dx: 18, Cn: 18, IQ: 18 and Lk: 18 @ Hps: 125 and SP: 36 w/AC: -14

2) Male Dwarf Warrior, Level 6; St: 19, Dx: 18, Cn: 19, IQ: 18 and Lk: 17 @ Hps: 130 w/AC: -14

3) Male Barbarian Hunter, Level 6; St: 18, Dx: 18, Cn: 18, IQ: 18 and Lk: 17 @ Hps: 122 w/AC: -11

4) Female Elf Bard, Level 6; St: 18, Dx: 18, Cn: 18, IQ: 17 and Lk: 18 @ Hps: 125 w/AC: -13

5) Female Hobbit Rogue, Level 6: St: 18, Dx: 18, Cn: 18, IQ: 18 and Lk: 18 @ Hps: 80 w/AC: -9

6) Female Gnome Conjurer, Level 6: St: 18, Dx: 18, Cn: 18, IQ: 18 and Lk: 18 @ Hps: 53 and SP: 50 w/AC: -5

7) Male High-Man Magician, Level 6: St: 18, Dx: 18, Cn: 18, IQ: 19 and Lk: 17 @ Hps: 54 and SP: 57 w/AC -1

I'm thinking about swapping races with my Paladin versus Bard and doing a Human / Bard and Elf / Paladin (instead of what I have above) because of the trait modifiers. Right now my Bard is using a Bardsword and a Bronze Long Bow but I'm finding that I "melee" more so the "+1 to Hit w/Bows" isn't being utilized versus having the Magic Talent (+1 on Spell Levels) that I could use instead for Paladin buffs.

If you're reading this thinking, "NO WAY!!!" on my stats please keep in mind that I was sitting in an airport bored out of my mind while waiting for the next flight as I was making these characters... Can we say, "reroll?" :mrgreen: Yes, I did... A lot.

1) When rolling a "new" character add up all of the stats. If all of the stats dont equal 84 points or more, don't accept the character. I also won't accept a new character if the "main" stat isn't over a score of 17. Also keep in mind that in the LITE version you're going to get "5" stat increases before you max out your character. Any character that is pure "Human" will get "6" points in the LITE version because of the +1 stat increase per 5 levels trait.

2) Save your game before entering the training hall. Then, enter the training hall and advance your character. If you don't get the "stat" increase / hit points that you want, reload the game and do it again.

3) Here are the typical "Hps" that a character gets per level (keep in mind this is from the Bard's Tale Manual and NOT from Silversword but the increases / character attributes pretty much work the same way):

How many hit points (max) a member gets when advancing a level, based on class:
Warrior - 16 pts per level
Paladin - 16 pts per level
Rogue - 8 pts per level
Bard - 16 pts per level
Hunter - 16 pts per level
Monk - 8 pts per level
Conjurer - 4 pts per level / 4 sps per level
Magician - 4 pts per level / 4 sps per level

Starting character info:
Starting gold is 110-170 coins.
Spell casters start with 10-17 spell points, +1 per point of IQ over 14.
Rogues start with a 15% chance of disarming traps and a 10% chance of hiding in shadows, +1 per point of DX over 14.
Hunters start with a 5% chance of dealing a critical hit, +1 per point of DX over 14.
Bards start ready to sing 1 song (assuming they find an instrument).

When anyone goes up a level:
Hit points go up based on class.
Extra hit points: +1 per point of constitution over 14.
One attribute whose value is less than 18 is increased by 1.

When spell casters go up a level:
Extra spell points: 1-4 +1 per point of IQ over 14.

When rogues go up a level:
Disarm traps: improves 1-3% +1% per point of DX over 14 (maximum 99%)
Hide in shadows: improves 1-3% +1% per point of DX over 14 (maximum 99%)

When hunters go up a level:
Critical hit: improves 1-3% +1% per point of DX over 14 (maximum 99%)

When warriors, monks, and paladins go up a level:
Number of attacks goes up by 1 EVERY OTHER LEVEL, to a maximum of 7 attacks per round at 15th level

Hope this helps...


Veerwing, I am probably missing something - but what's the point in spending time getting magic users with 18 in strength or dex during creation rerolls? I can see value of course in iq, luck and even constitution (just), but str and dex seem useless for magic folks, given they should ever be in melee....? Similarly, why spend time getting melee characters with iq, or range characters with str or iq?


Quote from Author: Mrpetrov
Veerwing, I am probably missing something - but what's the point in spending time getting magic users with 18 in strength or dex during creation rerolls? I can see value of course in iq, luck and even constitution (just), but str and dex seem useless for magic folks, given they should ever be in melee....? Similarly, why spend time getting melee characters with iq, or range characters with str or iq?


My understanding is (apologies if wrong):
-Each class has 2 primary stats.
-You can only go to 25 in your two primary stats, until you've gotten all non-primary stats to 18.
-You can only go to 18 in your non-primary stats, until you've gotten all non-primary stats to 18 and two primary stats to 25.

Thanks Moreai, i appreciate that - I was just noting in veriwing's prior post he said he spent a lot of time rerolling chars until they had 18 or very close to in all stats, even those stats that I couldn't see were relevant to the specific class. Maybe he just had lots of the on his hands and he liked the symmetry....


Quote from Author: Mrpetrov
Thanks Moreai, i appreciate that - I was just noting in veriwing's prior post he said he spent a lot of time rerolling chars until they had 18 or very close to in all stats, even those stats that I couldn't see were relevant to the specific class. Maybe he just had lots of the on his hands and he liked the symmetry....


-I think the reason he spent all the time rerolling is because non-primary stats (ie str to a magician) do matter in the sense if they're below 18, your primary stats aren't going above 25.

  -ie if my Str is at 6, I need to use 12 stat points to get it to 18, before my Int (a stat a magician does care about) can ever go above 25.

Hmm I didn't think that was right, I thought non primary stats couldn't go above 18 until primaries hit 25, but primaries could always go above 25? I've got magic users at lvl 12 with iq of 28 but constitution of 6 and other non primaries below 18... Maybe Mario changed the system since veriwing's post?


I hope you're correct Petrov! I was only repeating what I read on some other thread here about primaries not being able to go above 25 until non-primaries are 18. It'd be nice if you didn't have to waste precious stat point increases on non-primary stats of no value.

Hello friends,

I looked into the routine and have to make a clarification:

- by now, every stat under 18 + your primary stats (no matter how high) are taken into account upon leveling. If a primary stat is under 25, it is double weighted (chances are higher that a primary stat will increase).

This is not intended and will change to (next update)...

- upon levelup, only stats that are under 18 (25 if primary) are taken into account. If all of your stats are at least 18 (primary 25), then the distribution will be random again, with an emphasis on the primary ones.

I hope this clears the confusion a bit. If you have the virtue "Promising", then you will gain a random stat-up on every fifth level, no matter what your primaries are.


Quote from Author: icetear
Hello friends,

I looked into the routine and have to make a clarification:

- by now, every stat under 18 + your primary stats (no matter how high) are taken into account upon leveling. If a primary stat is under 25, it is double weighted (chances are higher that a primary stat will increase).

This is not intended and will change to (next update)...

- upon levelup, only stats that are under 18 (25 if primary) are taken into account. If all of your stats are at least 18 (primary 25), then the distribution will be random again, with an emphasis on the primary ones.

I hope this clears the confusion a bit. If you have the virtue "Promising", then you will gain a random stat-up on every fifth level, no matter what your primaries are.



Mario, so what you intend is that (for example) if we have a magic user with strength of 6, then we have to get his strength up to 18 before his iq can get above 25??

if that's what you intend, then I think that's a bad gameplay mechanic - to me it makes no sense to have to get a magic users strength (again, for example) up to 18 before his iq can go over 25. It will also mean players should spend literally hours rolling 'perfect' characters who have almost 18 in every stat (even ones not relevant to their class) just so that they don't have to 'waste' levels getting all non primaries to 18....

Again, apologies of I'm missing something!! And it's your game, so...:)

Thanks again,

Hi Petrov,

thank you for your response. My intention is to make the game working like its ancestor (The Bard's Tale) ;-)
But you are right... the change would be a drawback for characters with low non-primary stats.
I will think it over - and yes I know, it would be better to implement a point distribution system without random rolling ;-)


Quote from Author: icetear
Hi Petrov,

thank you for your response. My intention is to make the game working like its ancestor (The Bard's Tale) ;-)
But you are right... the change would be a drawback for characters with low non-primary stats.
I will think it over - and yes I know, it would be better to implement a point distribution system without random rolling ;-)



Mario, don't get me wrong, I LOVE the random rolling and enjoy spending time rerolling, it's one of the basic 'slot machine' mechanics that old schoolers like me enjoy about these games, so please don't get rid of it! I was just saying the IMHO the current levelling mechanic for stat works great - ie that you have to get primaries to 25 before non primaries go above 18. BUT what I think doesn't make sense and would force players to spend too much time rerolling their initial characters would be for ALL stats to have to be at least 18/25 before ANY stats could go above 18/25 (which is what I think you were suggesting implementing).

Hope that makes sense, and only my 2c of course.


It makes sense :-) And I didn't get you wrong, no worries. I don't plan on changing the random stat distribution system.
Although it was not intended that way, the current system really works out well :-)

So I think we just stick with it.


Yur theory is sound petrov but the example is bad.. As having iq above 25 nets no benefit... But as stated in anther thread it wuld appear thats the only stat its true off...

I dont disagree with you, but being used to bards tales, its something i just expect and learned to live with :)

However that said i dont mind which way around its done..

"typing on my pad.. Hence the bad spelling"