Feature Requests: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 17:57, 24 March 2024

Is there something you want to see in an update or an expansion? Let us know!

Repeat Commands - ID: 9

Caution: Scroll speed and sound issue with 1.5 - ID: 16

Caution: Bug with thrown weapons after fight (Update 1.5) - ID: 14

Retrieving thrown weapons - ID: 18

Slower scrolling and rest feature - ID: 19

Safety warning before selling items - ID: 21

Feedback concerning the drop rates - ID: 24

Thoughts.. - ID: 46

Compass - ID: 73

World Map - ID: 76

A way of passing time quickly - ID: 86

A wy to pass time quickly while waiting - ID: 95

Missed...missed....missed....missed.... - ID: 96

hide in shadows - ID: 113

Quicker map reference - ID: 114

Clarify magic-user desciroptions - ID: 115

Adjacent doors visible - ID: 125

Emulations/Conversions/Ports - ID: 126

Do I wait for full version or continue playing free? - ID: 130

show secret doors on maps once we go through them - ID: 133

Projected release date? - ID: 134

Ability to make camp to rest - ID: 137

More in depth game manual - ID: 138

Random misson generator - ID: 140

Level up - ID: 146

Elves... Hunters... - ID: 151

Autosave - ID: 156

Minor requests - ID: 157

ability to use bluetooth keyboard for movement - ID: 163

Speed up battle scroll - ID: 165

A few suggestions - ID: 166

Salutations - ID: 168

Suggestion on Save Games / Remove Character / Other Items - ID: 169

iCloud storage - ID: 170

Away to improve the game for all gamers. - ID: 171

Chest belongs to us? - ID: 174

Feature requests - ID: 200

Maps - ID: 201

A couple of minor suggestions - ID: 202

MInor request - Will probably be denied but I have to ask - ID: 209

Being to cure OLD with a spell - ID: 218

The Mitre - A Cap for Nobody - ID: 219

Teleport - ID: 227

Changing positions in battle and other requests - ID: 232

Show the spellpoint cost next to a spell - ID: 236

Please consider a "wait" command - ID: 243

printing out the compendium - ID: 244

Show THACO & SV - ID: 262

Update 2.03 price drop to $1.99 - ID: 265

New Forum - Guides, Spoilers & Walk-Throughs - ID: 269

The Kindle & Other Devices - ID: 270

"All Attack Foes" option in combat - ID: 273

selecting on screen things - ID: 275

Click to continue option for text - ID: 278

the watchtower mission - ID: 289

Gwyddon healing skills - ID: 312

It's about time. - ID: 317

Ghost slot for NPCs - ID: 325

15 inventory items + quest items not counted - ID: 331

Automapping - ID: 336

Recent used / most frequent used spells options - ID: 337

Option to turn on Full HP upon Level? - ID: 342

Spellcasters strength - ID: 351

Mesh "save game" with auto-save - ID: 494

Magic User xp past level 13 - ID: 391

Equipment manager - ID: 400

Attack Speed - Monster vs. Characters - ID: 407

Human Rogue - ID: 408

Get new spells even after class change - ID: 416

Map controls - ID: 423

Animated pictures - ID: 446

NPC - ID: 453

Equipment - ID: 462

Character screens - ID: 472

Log - ID: 475

Old age - ID: 484

Teleport from Inferno after finishing game - ID: 491

In game compendium - ID: 497

Archmage Spells - ID: 498

Using/Trading Items is Painful - ID: 506

Rogue, Bard and Paldain upgrade suggestions - ID: 535

Recent changes - ID: 552

Quest "to do list" - ID: 567

a short list - ID: 569

User interface - ID: 572

Combining stackable items. - ID: 581

My Suggestions - ID: 587

Suggested alternative to removing INT/CON caps - ID: 660

Timeline/progress bar and the silversword - ID: 594

Giving you more money - ID: 600

Another game to look at for ideas - ID: 602

A few thoughts & suggestions - ID: 643

About combat choices - ID: 604

Difficulty Levels - ID: 634

Caster weapons - ID: 614

Wait and Camp - ID: 624

Repeat All Commands - ID: 628

Agh! Mario, what have you done? - ID: 636

Some Ideas - ID: 638

What makes RPGs hard ... And is there anything we SHOULD do - ID: 641

Ideas for classes. - ID: 645

Combat & Classes... A little more flavor? - ID: 648

Remove the Movement keys when combat starts - ID: 664

A few things I would like to see in the future. - ID: 679

Wandering Monters/Random Encounters - ID: 699

A Time Compass - ID: 718

Divvy Gold - ID: 728

Scroll bank inventory list buttons - ID: 729

Who shall join list - ID: 730

Withdrawing items - ID: 732

Attracting encounters - ID: 737

Rune upgrades - ID: 740

Arch Mage ring - ID: 745

Identifying unknown items - ID: 746

Enhancing CON and IQ - ID: 747

Text size - ID: 748

Charge function with multiple groups - ID: 752

Walking Creaks - ID: 757

Some Things for Future Additions? - ID: 759

Love the game but, - ID: 766

Gameplay Requests - ID: 770

minimap - ID: 776

Barbarians (in progress) - ID: 1162

Elf Cloaks - ID: 937

Re: Combat Stances - ID: 942

Making the Rogue awesome - ID: 956

Beacons - ID: 960

My feature requests (closed) - ID: 1015

Double range spells? - ID: 1016

Organizing items - ID: 1018

What's equipped - ID: 1020

Charge Group - ID: 1025

Game Feature Suggestions - ID: 1027

Consider some additional areas to explore - ID: 1039

Side quests? - ID: 1042

How to play a rogue + some ideas - ID: 1043

Auto Roller IAP (closed) - ID: 1052

Update for the Manual? (DONE) - ID: 1062

Longer special melee weapons - ID: 1065

Paladin hits (DONE) - ID: 1068

Spell code = ??? (DONE) - ID: 1071

Raising stats ceiling in the expansion (closed) - ID: 1079

Drained (DONE (2.3.1)) - ID: 1081

Can't deposit whole stack of alchemy ingredients - ID: 1109

Add a bank in Gateway to Planes - ID: 1131

ineffective spells (closed) - ID: 1133

Bard songs - new ones for expansion (DONE (2.3.2)) - ID: 1135

SilverSword2 - ID: 1142

Feature discussion (in progress) - ID: 1186

Actual Bard Songs (in progress) - ID: 1209

Two requests for combat (partially done) - ID: 1213

New Paladin spell (in progress) - ID: 1217

VOTE FOR MUSIC! (done) - ID: 1222

Conditional target group display & charge - ID: 1230

Rogue hiding and repeat actions - ID: 1231

Range of Horns (done: 2.4.1) - ID: 1233

Dedicated Alchemy shop? (planned: 2.4.1) - ID: 1236

Review - ID: 1262

Dragoncaller - ID: 1263

Auto hide movement controls - ID: 1275

Maps - ID: 1284

Picking Locks and Text Appearance - ID: 1287

Stats - ID: 1290

Premium Equipment - ID: 1291

Make the log more useful - ID: 1295

Minor tweak to combat - ID: 1298

Put the name of the island in the manual - ID: 1296

Custom classes and racial heritage? - ID: 1304

Choose drop or keep loot on pickup - ID: 1305

minor improvement suggestions - ID: 1320

picking locks time limit - ID: 1324

simple compass overlay? - ID: 1336

Give hunter the hunt skill... - ID: 1351

Combat non-combat quick spells... - ID: 1356

Weapon mastery...? - ID: 1357

Teleport notification - ID: 1363

Dwarven loaves et al. - ID: 1364

Recall companion spell? - ID: 1365

Offline item list? - ID: 1366

Hail of arrows? - ID: 1369

Cycles of time and weather... - ID: 1370

Spell combining? - ID: 1373

Great accessibility but a couple of extra requests. - ID: 1395

Whorlwind Attack - ID: 1400

Thoughts and requests from the visually impaired community - ID: 1401

Changing classes in manual - ID: 1422

new classes, Dark elves as a race - ID: 1423

Thank you Mario - ID: 1424

Voice-over labels on direction buttons - ID: 1426

A chalk item for marking your progress. - ID: 1430

Make the Monk Better ASAP - ID: 1437

New game mode , Godly mode - ID: 1438

Summoning - ID: 1444

Solution to voice over map accessibility - ID: 1446

Buying gems and jewelry - ID: 1456

Amulet to store spell points - ID: 1457

wish list - ID: 1483

Improving the ending of the expansion - ID: 1484

Anybody care to update the Wikipedia article? - ID: 1520

New player experience: please implement these simple feature - ID: 1524

Flooded Isles Expansion - ID: 1531

Keyboard mapping - ID: 1540

Arrows in staarting area - ID: 1557

New Classes & Tweaks - ID: 1606

New Game + - ID: 1627