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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Seeing-Eye Dragon on 05/10/2015, 16:30:54


A feature that I thought may help the melee classes is some kind of whorlwind attack. Maybe the warrior at least could have the ability to attack multiple enemies in the same group. It could be level dependent so, for example, if the warrior's level grants him 7 attacks then, rather than just attacking a single enemy with all of them, he can spread them around a group and use them all against separate enemies. Of course, this would reduce his damage since each attack would be applied separately and he would have to roll to hit each time so has more chance to miss. Maybe it could reduce his AC by a small amount as well so that there are downsides to scything through groups of weak enemies with no regard for your safety. I think this would help to make the warrior more valuable and versatile as more than just a shield for magic users.

This type of attack has been suggested a couple of times, including by me- I think it reduces the absolute requirement of a mage, although characters with multiple attacks (Pal, War and Monk) would still have less range than certain spells and the single attack bow users, plus they still have no group heal with out alchemy DCing (both of which require the expansion) or support by the bard(s) or mage(s) - range and group heals are a big deal at times, only slightly less important than group damage... Mario so far has suggested that the reduced damage if made standard would hinder parts of the game, and as additional feature is extra work which may or may not fit with the game's intent...

I'd be interested too if he has any further thoughts now that the game is a few years on from where he started, maybe the novelty is worthy now? It may be Mario already has fixes for these limitations in the works, I know some part to possibly be the new runes, but not by how much they or his other plans will affect things.

That's fair enough. I guess, given how many hitpoints higher level monsters have, it almost wouldn't be worth it. It certainly seems that it's better to drop one opponent to avoid it retalliating than just scratching all of them and then being hacked to bits in return.