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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Imrannan on 07/03/2013, 22:30:52

Hey guys. I'm new here, started playing yesterday and am loving it so far. Except I had to start over because all of my characters but one were knocked out, and then I stepped on a trap and they all died. But it's okay because I found out my group and starting stats were all messed up so the only thing I wasted was time, but it was enjoyable so I don't care. There's not much to complain about. My only wish is to see more monster side quests to do while grinding. For example, if the shopkeeper in the beginning area offered extra experience for every 30-40 eats killed of goblins killed. I'm only in the first area still but can already see grinding is a big thing in this game, so I think side quests would not only help RPers get deeper into it, but also increase the length of the game.

Remember I am only in the first area though, so I'm not sure if later down the road other cities have these quests. To me it seems like a quick way to add a little bonus experience and keep players playing longer.

I'm also unsure of when you are "done" with the game. Is there a certain point where I shouldn't go past so I can keep killing monsters and leveling? Reading other posts it seems like I should not do the inferno until I'm ready to not go back to the "real word." I was hoping for like a second playthrough after I beat the main quest and be able to face harder monsters and level up until I hit the max level. Then again I'm a min/max kind of person and idk if anyone else would enjoy it like I would.

I can see where this game could easily have many many features like crafting and professions, but it would then be close to singke player WoW/Everquest or Minecraft or Haven and Hearth, which I find neat but I also like how "old school" it appears to be.

Just my two cents. Otherwise, fantastic game. I can see many hours and several playthroughs spent on this game. Well worth the money easily. Fantastic job Mario!

Thank you very much :D

I am sure you will find answers to your questions in the game and here as well.
As for the side quests... already working on more!

Kind regards