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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by carbon_dragon on 29/04/2012, 00:33:38

I'm sitting here with my iPad sitting on my desk during Silversword daylight just to recharge my spell points. It's not very much fun. I'm not playing, I'm just sitting here watching my spellpoints slowly clicking upward. Why is this the right way to make things work?

If we had an opportunity to "camp" possibly being interrupted (but not most of the time) and refill our health and spell points and if we could wait X hours, wouldn't that allow the players to actually play the game more instead of just spending our time watching our iPad wear down its batteries?

Don't get mad on this one.
As mentioned elsewhere, the game provides some ways to have your points regenerated quickly!

But - you will have to find them.
If you search in this forums, or ask for help of the other players, I bet someone will point you in the right direction.


Sitting in sunlight is one of five ways to regain spell points. The others:
1) there is a magic fountain that will compleatly refill your spell points when you, visit. This is very near the start local. Later on there is a pond that does the samething. (in both cases they only work once, you then need to leave the board and return for it to work.
2) Rosco magic emporium pay to have him recharge you. Does not work for paladins
3) magic glades allow you to rest undisterbed.
4) the last bard song gives every spell caster over time. During combat it is 1 sp per round, vary useful.

Quote from Author: Tagu
Sitting in sunlight is one of five ways to regain spell points. The others:

1) there is a magic fountain that will compleatly refill your spell points when you, visit. This is very near the start local. Later on there is a pond that does the samething. (in both cases they only work once, you then need to leave the board and return for it to work.
2) Rosco magic emporium pay to have him recharge you. Does not work for paladins
3) magic glades allow you to rest undisterbed.

4) the last bard song gives every spell caster over time. During combat it is 1 sp per round, vary useful.

Thanks, that's good information, and no to the other poster, I'm not mad. I appreciate that this game is here. However, I don't have a bard, resting undisturbed is good, but still amounts to me watching my iPad run but not really playing, and we shouldn't really have to pay for something that should naturally recharge (or recharge in a camping situation).

It might change the game to allow camping and to allow that to recharge our magic and hit points (at the cost of maybe getting disturbed by wandering monsters). Especially if camping also levelled you up. But I would claim that this would be an improvement that didn't change the real character of the game. I don't want the author to turn it into skyrim. Part of the value is the old fashioned quality. However, this genre of game was improved over the years without losing its character. I think that can be done here. It won't make the game easier really, it will just make it less annoying. I want to play, not watch my iPad play by itself. I don't think this is unreasonable. Naturally it's the author's game so not my decision, but that is what I think.

I missed the original Bard's Tale games, playing instead some of the later Wizardry's and all the Might & Magics.

Perhaps the most perplexing thing to me about this game was the early lack of camping. In particular, I didn't understand why spending the night at the ruin camp didn't heal my party. The manual strongly implies that it should (mentioning that you can take a "rest" there and that it cures afflictions) and for a while I thought it was a bug in my game that it didn't.

I might suggest a text update to the manual, which clarifies that finding places to heal hp/mp is intentionally difficult, and also changing the ruin camp section to clarify that it will not perform this favor for you. This might set better expectations on the early new player.

There are a few spots where resting undisturbed is NOT a waiting issue. You can choose to rest a period of time and it's instant.

Here is something to think about. Rules like this produce certain effects in the game. Can an adventurer or a party of adventurers move from place to place in the game freely (subject to the danger factor) and set up a base of operations anywhere they go? In say Wizardry 8 (which I cite just because I'm watching a lets play on YouTube) you can because you level up in place and you can camp to recover. So you're not tied to a single place in the game.

In Silversword you're on a tether. You can go a long way from the castle, but you're constantly having to come back to level up and rest. There may be a place later in the game to train elsewhere, but at least initially you have to fight your way to your new location to explore and then fight your way back -- again and again. This makes things less free-wheeling than they would be otherwise.

If that weren't true, now that I'm exploring Savage Crossing, I'd be making my home there for a while to make it easier, but I really can't. So I adventure forth, fight till my spell points are low or I need to train or I have dead folks (Darned guardians) then I go back to the Castle.

Part of Wizardry I used to remember is trying to find a safe place to camp in the forrest or the dungeon. It used to be kind of fun and it added to the tactics. Where was a good place? Where would you be surprised by wandering monsters and get caught with a couple of your folks still asleep?

On an unrelated note, just found a thief's dagger and it really makes the Rogue shine.