Rubies ? Chest in Ridge Fault ? - ID: 1638: Difference between revisions

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by xtw on 24/07/2020, 12:20:03

So i managed Inferno and bought the expansion. Thx to Visstar !

To enter Watertop you need 10 Rubies.

Unfortunately i only got nine of them ! Will the missing one be dropped in fights or is there a place where more Diaminds ore Rubies are waiting for me ?

In Ridge Fault for example i could not open the Chest inside the Water. The last switch is always red. No "Key" is working.
And in Ridge Fault there is a secret way right after the entrance, leading around the abyss that can not be reached.
Is there something special inside, even a Rubie ?

EDIT : just a few MINUTES after this post, i got a diamond - unbeliveable Murphy :D

But i can still not open the chest in Ridge Fault  :?

So you're all set on rubies? I remember you could trade two rubies for a diamond, but can't remember if you can do the reverse.)

To clear the pesky last red light on a lock, use a lock pick (or Dietrich). It can be done by a rogue, though, with a high enough master thief skill:

<ATTACHMENT filename="Thief_skill.png" index="0">[attachment=0]Thief_skill.png[/attachment]</ATTACHMENT>

Uh, i never used a Dietrich, because my Rogue was always smart enough to open chests without it.

I will try next time in Ridge, right nowi am talking to Scythe :)

Thank you

PS : i could change my Monk or my Bard into the Dragoncaller. but they are loosing their skills (my monk attacks very strong 6 times per round. As Dragoncaller he only hits once per round.)

Do i realy NEED the DC ?

Yes, you will need a DC to finish. Monk and Bard are poor choices IMO. Who else is in your party? Warriors make (arguably) the best DCs.

I got Monk, Palladin, Bard, Rogue and three Archmages

Taking a Pallading was an mistake i think, but they are on level 50 meanwhile (51... 52...)

The Paladin is never a mistake, take back those words!

Hahaha, seriously, I used lockpicks constantly. Yeah, my Rogue was good, but apparently my thumb-to-eye coordination is not! (Play on an iPhone.)

About Dietrichs, are they effectively useless if your Rogue has 99% mastery lockpicking mastery? I usually sell them anyway and rely on lockpicks or TRZP to unlock chests. Lockpicks are cheap and TRZP is even cheaper with Spirit Chant.

My preference is to turn a warrior into a D.C. The warrior retains number of attacks and gradually regains THAC0 so is ideal to wield the Staff of Storms. Plus large number of HP and melee becomes less important later in the game. Better to have multiple caster, as you know.

In your case I'd turn one of the AM into a D.C. If possible, but I don't think it's possible. The paladin is a possibility, but I agree with chrlpolk and like having one. Never change your monk. That leaves the rogue, but you should get the thief mastery to at least 40-50 % before doing so.

Quote from Author: Visstar

I remember you could trade two rubies for a diamond, but can't remember if you can do the reverse.)

You can. That’s the exact same Dwarf trader. Either you give him two Rubies and he gives you a Diamond, or you give the Diamond and get two Rubies. Also, if you desperately need something against werewolves you could trade one Diamond for a Silver Rune (edit: That’s for another merchant!), but the high runes (gold and electrum) may be found by grinding.

P.S. re Dietrich, as far as I could tell, it was just a gold plated lock pick. Aside from the price difference, I think they were the same thing.