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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by ClarissatheConfused on 08/03/2012, 19:48:53

First of all, Mario, thanks for a brilliant game. I spent too much time at college playing The Bard's Tale on my first IBM compatible PC back in '88 (croak). I was just wondering last Christmas if BT had ever been ported to IOS when I came across Silversword. Simply brilliant. :D

I've had a great time so far but have reached an impasse on Inferno. I have found just one passable wall in the central cruciform room, but thereafter, just go round and round in a circle, less the route back to Savage Crossing. Whatever I have tried - be it getting back into the cruciform from the Sewers or returning back from Savage Crossing, all I can do is go round and round, uselessly kicking walls and bruising my metaphorical toes. I see other players have had the same problem but have managed to unearth some secret or other to get out of this tedium.

Any chance of a clue guys? :mrgreen:

Ah - got it. Very sneaky, Mario, very sneaky. :evil:

Can you share the hint? It's driving me insane!

I'm also going around and around, and have to exit at some point and then come back into the middle area. I'd like to think I was thorough in exploring the area (although clearly not enough), but at this stage I'm ready to throw my iPad out the window :)

Please help...

Check every step you take on the map.....

Do you find yourself suddenly teleported several squares down a corridor? Look back, my friend, look back .... :lol:

Two steps forward, one step back. Be sure to always check your map.

Any more hints? I have bounced off of every wall and checked my map at every step. I see the areas that i get teleported several spaces with one move but Haven't found why that matters?

You must have missed a wall or two.

Yeah I did now to figure out the maze

Anyone have a hint regarding the maze for the inferno? I can get next to the center but it seems like every path warps me back to the beginning?

I think you just have to keep trying to find the path that doesn't make you teleport. Map carefully if you have to.

So far it's slow going. This map is the trickiest yet hoping to have it sorted out soon. Not sure if the grass area is really something worth paying mind to or not or if I need to just find the center.

I'd pay attention to that grassy area.

any other hints you're able to give that wouldn't become spoilers?

No, you're pretty much there.

well I found my way to the dark tower. now to figure out where the fire proof boots are :P