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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Wascalwywabbit on 15/04/2015, 21:12:04

Froom the sound of, it heritage will such a big upgrade it may be worthy to call it "silver sword 2 - heritage" maybe make it available both as a standalone app and as an in-app purchase...

Traveling thru lava and other deadly traps is quite a challenge for low hp chars. to survive, especially the monk and rogue. Since changing the classes leveling is something you may be avoiding for save game compatibility reasons and others, maybe with items hp, luck and con could raise...? My thought was some multiple of the reciprocal of current hp could be raised thru food like dwarven loaves. E.g. If 1,000 x reciprocal of current hp, the hp would raise 10 points for chars. with hp of 100, 5 points for those with 200 hp, 4 for those with 250 hp and only 1 point of hp raise for those with 1,000 hp or more. That would be a partial to complete fix for low hp classes imo. A multiple of 1,000-5,000 of the reprocal of the current hp seems the right range to reduce grinding for higher levels just for the hp gains.

Several new item ideas...

Boomerangs: why rogues and not hunters? Also why do they return if they hit? They should return only on misses and be stackable logically to me. Maybe it was the best relatively easy way to give warriors multiple attacks at 40' range early on...? Maybe make it a hunter weapon too, and let warriors use cross bows as traditionally in real life?. :-/ just a thought...

Crossbows should use bolts, not arrows, and bolts should come in slightly larger packs since they are smaller items in real life.

Add heavy crossbows. Maybe require larger bolts.

Make stackables and bow weapons usable for at least a fraction of # attacks. Particularly so for knives, stars and bows, but maybe less so for spears, crossbows and javelins.

Hunters need their own superior weapon(s) in the expansion on imo. I vote for bows of elemental harmonies and/or Orion's bow... Bow of Lightning (fire and air), and Bow of the North (earth and water, i.e. ice). Maybe make the axe of souls usable by hunters for a melee option.

Thor's hammer might be a good add too.

Demon blades and swords of light from asian myths should also be added imo. Demon blades are popularly depicted as having demonic powers and/or the ability to trap/summon demons, makes sense for bards and rogues imo, maybe casters and monks too if a dagger. Swords of light are more or less the opposite in modern anime, having great power to slay demons and monsters, sometimes having actual light appear as an extended length to the blade, makes sense for warriors and paladins imo.

The new lvl requirement system is cool. Maybe add a weight system too with strength requirements for weapons and armor, and effect carrying capacity of chars.. For furthering it, e.g. a greatsword may require two hands at str. 15, but only one at str. 20... For even further down the line maybe sizes for armor as well and small races wielding large weapons limits...

Add the ability to wield two weapons, or even two shields instead of one each only.

Add shield bash damage appropriate for shield weight and strength.

Bed roll(s)- rest for one hour wherever your at. Encounters should still happen if possible. Need enough for the whole party, stackable.

Tent: party rest for 8 hours. Make available at the sewers?

Poison arrows: poisons target, obviously.

Blade boots: extra to hit and damage.

Winged boots: flying, extra dex/combat speed.

Various boots for ac and sv - they are conspicuously absent atm except boots of speed if I recall.

Coat/cloak of forms [various kinds, location lvl appopriate]: allows shapeshifting a char into a summonable/wandering creature type. E.g. Cloak of dragon form, coat of the wolf, hide of the bear etc. - for me these could be more useful than figurines, I sell all those atm.

Darven loaves: a hardy bread for a hardy folk - raises con/hp.

Clover: these have four leaves - raises luck - maybe that's why the leprechauns are so lucky and have so much gold... Or is it the gold just makes them feel lucky?

Maybe add siege weapons (these should take a char. slot but not eat xp gains, usable by warriors), so that the conjuror could actually summon a ballista ready to fire for example. Or maybe just make that ballista materialize just for a one shot spell? Maybe both, one level 6 the other level 7 or something?

Also, mounts to improve travel for the party a different way than casting and road wardens...? Tap use item, then mount and your taken to the map, tap where you want to go and you travel there (if mapped already only) until interrupted by an encounter or you arrive. That one would be a really big boon for usability in the game for many of us imo. I'd be happy with that without mounts too... Maybe as part of traveler's ditty or something. Alternatively or also, maybe a cartographer's vision spell to give a mini map in the encounter text areas while traveling.

I know there's a lot to do for you and little time to do it, so if there's anyway a layman like me could help to add content let me know, I'm game for it. Adding text and sound I might be ready for if you give a bit of direction where I could help there. Also I like starting new games to play around with the mechanics of different groups, spells and items, so if you make an experimental or expanded rule set game mode for potential games changes, I'd like to muck around with that too.

A lot of what you say sounds interesting.

However I hope we don't make the (next) version more difficult. I like boomerangs the way they are. I think they should come in Andersteel and of Forgus. Making them less effective (or any other current feature) is not where I think the game should be going. If they are made less effective, then add a hammer or ax of returning to make up for the loss. Remember boomerangs don't stack, so once you throw one and it hits you're unequipped. Perhaps monks should be able to use them...Ranged weapons with reasonable damage are far too rare as it is. Many complain thieves are hard to play, why make them more so as they build to master thief level, by making a weapon they use well practically useless? Yes, the hunter could be beefed up, but let's not do it at the expense of other character types.

Wow, a lot of feature wishes.

Thank you very much for your ideas. I cannot promise anything, but I surely will think about them all and see if they fit into the game.

kind regards

Quote from Author: wizardz
A lot of what you say sounds interesting.

However I hope we don't make the (next) version more difficult. I like boomerangs the way they are. I think they should come in Andersteel and of Forgus. Making them less effective (or any other current feature) is not where I think the game should be going. If they are made less effective, then add a hammer or ax of returning to make up for the loss. Remember boomerangs don't stack, so once you throw one and it hits you're unequipped. Perhaps monks should be able to use them...Ranged weapons with reasonable damage are far too rare as it is. Many complain thieves are hard to play, why make them more so as they build to master thief level, by making a weapon they use well practically useless? Yes, the hunter could be beefed up, but let's not do it at the expense of other character types.

I didn't mean to imply to take the boomerang from the rogue, but merely asked why rogue and not hunters. Boomerangs have been great for my warriors, but I'm not sure why they can hit something 40' away 13 times with a single boomerang, and yet my rogue, bard and hunter can only fire one arrow, and the monk only one throwing or death star per combat round..? The bard, rogue and hunter have their single attack class limit, but the monk's is solely a strange weapon limit vs warriors and their magical boomerangs even though they are mudane weapons until runed... That's why I think they [boomerangs] should be stackable, returning only on misses as per real life, and stackables gain some measure of multiple attacks appropriate per weapon type. I like your idea of andursteel and of forgus being added.

Thor's hammer might be that 'of returning' you suggest, only with possibly more oomph...

I agree with ranged weapons currently being too weak and limited, most truly for the monk (needs range and damage) and hunter (needs more damage), and only meant to suggest more options both fantastic and semi-realistic.

I don't think thieves are hard to play, merely a touch weak in the first half of the base game.

Stackable boomerangs would simply require more of them to be most effective, which is only a small gold cost like butterflys. I'd hardly call that a sudden change to nigh useless - something was lost in the reading/writing methinks.

Quote from Author: icetear
Wow, a lot of feature wishes.

Thank you very much for your ideas. I cannot promise anything, but I surely will think about them all and see if they fit into the game.

kind regards


Thanks for the consideration. Even if u did make promises I wouldn't hold u to them cause life happens, especially to busy people such as yourself. ;) I just figure you'll take take the best of all ideas, from yourself and the community as you see them, and implement them according to the most gain for the game design and engine limits as you have time.

Personally I'd see the most gain by making alchemy easier and more integral throughout, because it can be used to overcome most limits of the various classes to some degree. Others may have different most wanted features according to their own play style. You have the final say.

But if you make boomerangs stackable you will not be able to add runes to them, a real loss in my opinion.

Quote from Author: wizardz
But if you make boomerangs stackable you will not be able to add runes to them, a real loss in my opinion.

Yeah you're right there... Personally I bought enough electrum runes to rune all the thunderbolts I figured I'd get, but no... I hadn't tried looking into runing stackables until this play thru so that was a bit disappointing to find out.

Also I just thought that if the cloak of forms could be added, they might also add enough hp to help overcome the rogue's and monk's weakness there... Maybe half damage to both the cloak and the char.? That would do away with the want for food doing the trick for me.