Ghost slot for NPCs - ID: 325: Difference between revisions

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Curak on 07/01/2012, 03:09:21

Hi Mario -

    Loving the game so far...

    I think Veerwing had asked about this once before in a long list of items he had given you but I am going to separate it and see if I can generate some opinions here in the forum too.  

     In one of the later BT games there was the ability to add an NPC to a "ghost" slot. Meaning that you could not put a party member that you had created into it, but occasional NPCs or summoned NPCs would have this single slot to use. I think it meant that you could not add an NPC to the 7 regular slots but I can't recall any more. 

     My personal opinion is that this would add tremendously to the game and help you solve another little annoyance. First it would allow us to really avail ourselves of summoned characters (for magic casters) and the occasional wandering NPC (Like Gwyddon (sp)) It will also allow us to add figurines to our party without having to drop one of our created party members. Also you could code it such that not only would we not see the inventory for these NPCs, but that they also would not acquire gold so we could avoid having to occasionally pool gold to get it from the NPCs. 

     Another observation - there used to be a party attack feature, so if someone went nuts or you had a summoned character that went off on you, you could attack your own party. I had acquired an "Evil" Figurine and added a lesser demon to my party. I knew eventually he would turn on me, but I had handled lesser demons in the Grave Mound, so wasn't too worried... except - although I chose party, noone from my characters ever attacked the Lesser demon within the party so each time I was slaughtered. Also there seemed to be no way to dismiss him from the party except to go to the guild and drop him there. 

   So I guess one request and one bug.  

   Again - Awesome game - and I happily paid the $5.99 for it - just so you know - in 4 years with Iphone, Ipads, Touches etc - I have only bought three apps. An app for managing conf calls for work,  Angry Birds for the daughter and wife (gotta keep them happy) and this. So I am very selective... and I can tell you I have no regrets. 

Thanks so much for bringing back memories from my old days on a C64 !


Hello Curak,

thank you very much for your suggestions!

The (S)pecial slot was in Bard's Tale 1. In Bard's Tale 3, you just had seven slots - and you could fill up your ranks with monsters or characters. This is true for Silversword, too. For example, the Rank 6 Arch Mage spell will fill up the slots with monsters, so that you can go adventuring with just one character.
There is an ongoing discussion here about having 6+1 or 7 characters in the party ;-) But I don't think that the game would profit from another additional slot.
As for the gold distribution issue: I plan on implementing a central place for your gold / removing the Pool Gold option. In addition there will be a "bank" to store gold and items, so that you can carry over your possessions to another save game (important for In App Purchases).

I have added the Party Attack bug to my ToDo list - will fix it asap!

Thank you again for your compliment, keeps me up working (and my soon-to-be-wife doesn't even need Angry Birds to give me time to code ;-) ).


I vote for the 6+1 model. I think it just adds a great new dimension to the game that one more warrior does not. Love the game Mario, great effort all around
