How to defeat Prowlers and Stalkers? (ANSWERED) - ID: 1075: Difference between revisions

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by coffee999 on 17/04/2013, 19:34:15

It says I need a special item. Anyone know what it is

Only thing that seems to work on them is the SIlverSword so far (Silver Werewolves). I have not tried anything with a Silver Rune yet - but gold/Bronze Rune doesnt seem to help.

Some of the bard horns work well against the prowlers. I have had no luck killing that shadow stalker thing. The silversword does a bit of damage, but either he has thousands of hit points or they regenerate between hits.

I believe any weapon with a rune on it will work

Any weapon with a silver rune on it.

Quote from Author: Amalasuntha
Some of the bard horns work well against the prowlers. I have had no luck killing that shadow stalker thing. The silversword does a bit of damage, but either he has thousands of hit points or they regenerate between hits.

Which horn? I've tried most of mine, with no luck.

Quote from Author: Bloodshot
Which horn? I've tried most of mine, with no luck.

Horn of fury and horn of sodar if I recall correctly. Putting silver rune on weapons makes a huge difference too!

No horns work. No spells work. Nothing but silver weapons. Has anyone beat these guys yet? My game keeps crashing when I fight them.

From the different post seems like a lot of people have beaten them. My party is about level 38 and was able to beat them by equipping my War, Pal, Rogue w/silver weapons and an AM with a safety wand.

I start by pushing the 15 prowlers back with the wand then beat on the Shadow Stalker first while my 2nd AM heals. It took about 10 rounds to kill the Shadow Stalker. Then I let the 15 prowlers into range, then cast Hesitation while my fighters beat up on them. I kept Hesitation going until they got down to about 5 to make sure they can't kill any of my fighters in one round.

I beat them with all seven of my characters having Silver Runed Weapons, including Rapiers of Forgus for the AM's who are in front. My Bard has a Singing Sword, Rogue and Warrior have Steel Boomerangs, and the Paladin has a Lance of Forgus. The AMs often throw Restore. It's a long battle of many rounds, but is winnable for me this way.

am i the only one that finds this concept ridiculous? i am basically just getting started on the expansion and i must say that 10 prowlers was tedious enuff to wade thru. after finding the spot with 35 of them i thought there must be something i'm missing so i tried pretty much every spell and horn and the only thing that works is the hesitation horn and spell. i even went so far as to level up my new dragon mage so i could add the dragon to my while he's a ton of fun to wander around with he can't scratch the prowlers or his stalker buddy either. talk about a waste of time, watching the screen roll by 35 times "prowler resists" is not my idea of a good time. to have 35 high hit point creatures that are immune to any weapon not silver charged,any critical hits and any magic type damage does not need 35 of the stupid things in a group it seems to me! for me to use a hesitation horn as needed (lasts longer than a spell) and 3000 or so point smacks a round (unless i get the premium hits) it' gonna take way toooooooooooo long to get thru this and it's taking the fun out of what is otherwise a very enjoyable game to play. to have to have all 7 party members with some kind of silver charged weapon seems like a needless waste of time and energy seems to me the game can be challenging enuff without adding in a major time consuming speed bump like this

am i missing sumthin in fighting these things? i am gonna assume the stone blade with a silver rune won't stone them either so i never bothered trying.but even then to knock off one a round would take 36 rounds sigh>


No, it's a slugfest with silver Runed weapons and lots of heal spells. Hesitation helps, too... It can take an hour of real time. Try putting a silver rune on the high damage weapons like Fiery Avenger of Forgus or Singing Sword. Attackers that do multiple hits like the Warrior or Paladin also help. Or try a monk with a silver Runed knuckle duster. I haven't tried, but put a silver rune on an Assassine for your rogue.

well generally i like the way Mario puts obstacles in the way that say if you can't beat this bunch of baddies then you are not ready to proceed further.i figured this group combined with the the creepers were the next stage in the unfolding of the story. i must say after investing the time to defeat these stalker + 35 prowlers it was very disappointing to discover they were blocking the road to a dead end to no where! i find most of Mario's puzzles to be challenging to the point of wanting to smack him for being so devious at times and that to me is fun.....grinding a dungeon with a purpose in mind is fun. .....spending an hour of real time while having to concentrate on the number of turns before i have my bard miss a turn smacking with his singing sword to use his hesitation horn is not! watching the screen scroll by 35 times prowler resists or prowler is paralyzed is not!

going back and forth trying out the dragon and switching crew members and grinding for diamonds/silver runes while having to re-do the creepers each time and then investing the time to wipe out the prowlers turned into a process where i was ready to delete the game.right now this whole process seems like a huge waste of my time and there has to be a better/faster way to put a speed bump in the way. having a non working spell or a real dragon breathing rejected instead of scrolling thru 35 "prowler resists" would help as well as the hesitation spell saying "all prowlers are paralyzed" instead of scrolling thru 35 times individually would help speed things up also

I just pushed the slider to the far left for text. Then I kept an eye on my party's health and the count of prowlers, ignoring the text as it whizzed by. Did you have silver runes on all your party members' weapons?

This battle opens the direct path to Crystal Sea and Watertop, so it's not really a dead end...

I kinda agree with elkabong here. Pretty much without defeating the prowlers you can't really do much in the expansion. However all the monsters in Deep Mines and on until maybe Silver mountain area a breeze to fight. Why put such a hard encounter like the prowlers to frustrate people when the rest of the maps have much easier monsters to fight.

I plan on changing the requirements for these special creatures with the next update.

This means, you will be able to hit them if your weapon has at least a silver rune on it. Better runes will work, too.

Kind regards

glad to hear that Mario but it's not a real problem to hit them once the weapon has silver on it so will that include allowing critical hits if the weapon or the user has that ability? can you fix it so the stone sword can be silver runed and work? otherwise it's a very long and drawn out process to fight a large group of high hit point creatures that are magic damage/critical hit + stone resistant. also i can't even think of putting a dragon in the group if i have to face these 35 prowlers for instance,watching the screen scroll 35 times "prowler resists" each round would lengthen a one hour real time battle into several hours.

fixing the better grade runes to work also would be a dandy was not a nice surprize to find an electrum rune weapon would not work on a prowler even though it costs more to enchant

It took me only 10 minutes to kill them with a level 38 party. Just push the text delay slider all the way to the left so you don't have to see the "Prowler resists" text scroll by 35x per round :). Also if you know they resist spell, why even bother casting them in the first place? Just use Hesistation and Further Foe to kill them.

i didn't know (or never bothered to pay attention is more like it) about the text control..... so thanks for that tip fellas

ya i only needed a couple different prowler resists to figure out they were non magic damageable but the main issue i had was when i put a dragon in the group and i can't control it now can i? i might have actually left him in the group and took the extra time to smack down the prowlers but not when i had to read the message virtually every round(only once if it decides to swing instead of breath). this is when the idea struck it should be available as a one line group response. Mario has responded to my feature request so this will get looked into and hopefully a one line solution when something has total immunity is coming. hesitation he says works different so i'll have to learn how to fast forward that part of the equation :D

as for the dead end the stalker+35 prowlers were in the north west upper corner of watertop and there are ouch trees N,E,W from that square so i can only go back south from whence i came which is eventually back thru the ruins and down creeper alley.i checked the whole perimeter and not finding any roads so i went back to the skeleton guarding the road north in the middle of watertop hoping maybe the removal of the prowlers was the proof he wanted but that wasn't it so i'm still working on it

Look carefully. Kick every tree. There is something to be found there.

take your Bards with you when exploring the area past the encounter.

  • sigh* I keep seeing this all over this forum. No, the end of the stalker fight isn't a dead end with nothing valuble to be found. Wizardz, the wise old veteran that he is, reveals the true gem of what is in store. For those poor lost souls that hope on grinding maps and hitting random encounters is the way to go, well this treasure here makes grinding life lke taking candy from a baby. For those not following closely, this is a feature request granted by Mario. And knowing that, I made it a point to defeat the stalker early using a lowly sub level 35 group (it's the highest I could muster at the time that could survive the fight.)
It's not impossible. Just tricky. It's not just Silver or higher runes. It's that + the right damage weapons paired to the right character + some indirect spells from AMs and the right combo of characters which *surprise* consisted of a Monk.

The Stalker Hunting Party:
At sub level 35, plan your party carefully. Have at least a Paladin, Monk, Bard and 2 x AM. All strikers must have at min Silver Runed weapons. Finish it out with 2 x Warriors if you can. The second warrior doesn't have to be too high a level, just high enough to hit, and deal at least the equivalent of the Paladin in damage. Sitck the Bard at slot 5. Front load all your high damage folks.

The Paladin carried the party to the Stalker with full HP and SP intact and can deal damage in his own right. Then, Sodars Blessing + Sodar's Shield at level 35 = +7 bonus each. Dump the Stone Blade. If you can afford to Silver Rune the Fiery Avenger of Forgus, the damage bonanza would be obvious. Otherwise, the next best high damage weapon you have.

A properly developed Monk was invaluble. She killed 3 Prowlers for every 5 that my party knocked out, including the Stalker. My Monk was doubling my Warrior's (equiped with Silversword) average damage, and at peak 4 x Warrior's damage. Wish I had two monks instead (TWO MONKS???) But the overall damage to HP tradoff makes 2 warriors a better balance.

Casting Farther Foe was not necessary.The closer, the better (so no bows, yeah?) AMs have the deepest toolbox in the party. Don't just think direct brute force frontal attack spells is the be all to end all. What spells here can help the party? Plenty. Old school grizzled veterans will use the term "buffs". Harmonics keep the gas tank deep, but since I was no longer using expensive brute force spells, I didn't need to use any.

Absolutely necessary. Take one along. Tell him to sit tight and look pretty.

Also think, if you can't hit crits, then the crit makers sit this one out, no? Not saying the Hunter and Thief were useless, but the Monk kept the fight short (and the AMs SP reserves managable.) Damage dealers wanted here, not crit dealers.

IMHO, one should not have to customize a party to deal with any given encounter. I want to play with the seven characters that I have had since (re)beginning the game! I do NOT want to feel like I need to (temporarily) dump my rogue and hunter and create a monk and another warrior just to fight this one damn battle. Maybe reducing the crit chance would have been more fair, even if was 1/10 of normal (9 or 10%).

For the love of boss monsters how many frackng hit points does this shadow stalker have?!?! I have played about 12 rounds now and my Pal and War have probably dealt a total of about 18000 points!

Love the game, love the expansion, am decidedly not loving this specific encounter. Still, back to it I guess.

Frustrated in Lake Geneva.

You shouldn't have to customize your party for the encounter, however I stand by my advice to develop all the character types and swap them in and out as seems appropriate.

In the modern game I took out the prowler stalker encounters with my group of a rogue, three bards and three arch Mages. Like Limmer I never used a harmonic gem. My battle(s) probably lasted longer than Limmer's, but my party was never in danger. All four fighters were using Electrum Runed Singing Swords. Yes, my monk back at the inn with his Electrum Runed knuckles would have been more effective, but I'm grooming the rogue to be my DC for after I defeat Mazuriel.

To each his own. Just have fun. I'm sure you can find a clever way to win these battles with your party of choice.

After all I beat Mazuriel in the traditional game with just two Arch Mages to prove it could be done--yes, a party of two characters and no summoned assistants.. (A very long battle, but it can be done. I prefer taking him out in one or two rounds with a well-balanced party, but I do usually tend towards overkill.)