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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Destrial Wyndlaufer on 11/06/2017, 01:12:32

First off thanks for the first two chapters in what's been an entertaining story with a wonderfully old school feel.

Make swapping PC for other PC or NPC a more integral part of gameplay. I played 7 PCs entirely unless forced to swap in NPC for quest. While I appreciate possbility of growing and maintaining same group of chars from beginning to end, I think gameplay requiring alt party composition would provide even more challenge. Infinite ways to do that some easy to code some hard - 1) partial anti magic area where bard instrument but not spell caster spells work - you'd conserve resources like horn of furry then wouldn't you 2) sniper only regions where ranged attacks are sufficiently potent or deadly that you have to stack high dex and/or shooters. Like marksmen did near end of sliversword. I dreaded them, build on that 3) stat draining terrain and creatures. I found little use for stat raising food and drink. Wanna say it wasn't there or else it was and my part composure n and style of play defended well against it. You set off a trap (chest or otherwise) you get injured physically or magically or both you loose not just hp and sp but stats either temporarily or permanently until restored. Now make some stat loss permanent unless restored by food or alchemy. Then food and alchemy more useful.

Plenty more where that came from.
If flooded isles dev/code work is too far along for this kind of revision/inclusion then maybe for future use.

Thank you very much for playing the game and for your great ideas :-)

I will see if I can implement some of them. They would surely fit into some areas of the Flooded Isles.

kind regards

I'm Thank you for the kind and generous feedback Mario. I put careful thought into it in order to come up with ideas I thought could be implemented. Mind you my interest is tech specialist/sysadmin/dba hence my code focusedd on support/maint not dev. Up for a few more? I warn you these are bigger more ambitious.

I'm sorry but hesitation + mass damage spell (dw then arm) or snipping waaaay to easy of a crutch.
In Isles some of the encounters near the end started to deal with that.
Build on it add more deliniatun (my theme/mantra).
You can only cast some spells (maybe hes) if you have high enough dex to perform hand gesture/s and or high enough int to recite incantation in spells that have spoken component.
Add mute/silence spell (uh oh...).
Add counter thought only spells that can be cast even when silence in effect (ta daa....).
Add throat and limb damaging injuries that lower stats like int or dex (builds on my previous idea).
Add or enhance spell resistances and immunities - recommend percent based.

Now if your int is high enough you can't be paralyzed or if your con is high enough there's a increasingly small chance you can be burned/frozen/stoned.

If your dex or luck or maybe both is/are high enough you sidestep/dodge/avoid/counter enemy spell.
That gives you more control over passage through certain areas.
If encounters in a given area are less intelligent then hesitation Armageddon crutch continues (it is useful at times).
But now if theres some powerful intelligent mindflayed or whatever then you shall not pass with hesitation further you're not the sharpest tool in the shed (mr fighter type) you are that much more vulnerable to mindflayer spell attacks.
So now mr fighter type has to choose to build int or supplement with food/drink to counter.
This not only hits on party diversification again, I could also see at giving more control over level 25 party passing through map tile versus level 99 party doing the same.

I know this is a lot one more… 

Keep current leveling rooms that can raise any stet but make them harder to use (closed for construction or more costly).
Now add outdoor leveling rooms/areas that can only level certain stats - wise man monestary on top of mountain grants int. Train/sail with pirates and gain str/dex/con. Learn how avoid getting your purse or throat cut in some bandits lair and gain int.
Now stat building and perhaps level progression as well or more challenging/need to be done In less Linear ways sometimes.

Sorry once more I know I covered a lot of ground.

Great ideas, no need to feel sorry ;-)

I will think about it, assured!

kind regards

Quote from Author: Destrial Wyndlaufer
hesitation + mass damage spell (dw then arm) or snipping waaaay to easy of a crutch.

Add mute/silence spell (uh oh...).

Now add outdoor leveling rooms/areas that can only level certain stats - wise man monestary on top of mountain

I agree that Hesitation is probably too powerful. I actually liked the fact that it "fizzled" in parts of the planes, but mainly because that made the planes so special -- they were outside the game's main space/time continuum and so that spell could no longer affect time (sort of) the way it does elsewhere. I would probably tone down hesitation in the same way as coup de grace -- give more powerful entities like Maruziel a saving throw against it.

I played Bard's Tale back in the '80s and enjoyed it, but mainly remember Wizardry, where Silence was one of the defensive key spells. I missed having that spell in Silversword (along with Sleep) but maybe they were not in Bard's Tale, only Wizardry. Both spells would be useful additions. If you toned down hesitation, you could compensate by making low level spells like Freeze Foes more powerful when a higher level character casts it.

Speaking of missing spells, I found it odd that Bard have horns that are more powerful than anything the archmage can do. Why not a special place for an archmage to learn to cast Heavenly Fires? And for that matter, how about a spell to let an archmage build (or at lease recharge) wands, horns, and so forth? Or do some other things, like charge a fighter's gloves with Giant Strength, or enchant armor with Invisibility, etc.?

I also agree that the stat enhancing foods were a curiosity of no real value, and kind of felt the same way about Alchemy. One of the strangest aspects of the expansion was stumbling on areas where you could learn an alchemy spell -- just one alchemy spell! Like going to a mall and finding a shop that only sells left shoes. It added some interest to the mapping, but really, why would this exist? I kind of feel the same way about areas that only teach/enhance a certain stat, but it could work, in the same way that the training area in the Silver Mountains taught stances. I could see being rewarded with +1 or +2 on, say strength or intelligence for completing certain quests, though.

I'd much rather see another expansion than any of the above, though!  ;)