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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by rhune on 18/12/2011, 09:39:47


First off, I would like to say that the game has been a wonderful distraction. Great job on the implementations and effort so far.

I'm looking at the board and there are some great suggestions that I would like to second, and a few I would like to add. I apologize in advance if some of these features are present in the game at later levels than what I have been exposed to.

Also, Some of these requests could be out there a bit. I figure i would throw all ideas in here and you could figure out if its in scope or out.

1. Ability to Macro or save combat queues. Even one saved queue would be great. It really gets tiring to attack and defend or attack and cast for every member every round. If i could save to some of my more common combat queues that would be great. I know there is a repeat last command, but you have to go through 1 round first before it happens but sometimes I want my thief to hide and the next round he attacks. Same with my casters. Sometimes its defend, sometimes its cast. So i end up just clicking away manually.
2. Mana generating song. Mana regen is extremely low. I understand the strategy behind mana conservation but no other class becomes useless so quickly as a mage without mana. Additionally, Since the Bard has a song for Healing, it would also make him that much more valuable if he had a song for Magic regeneration.
3. Difficulty Mode setting- It would be really fun to have some different settings like hard, and insane difficulties.
4. Additional inventory space. I have a couple ideas here.

     a. Higher strength should enable higher inventory capacity. 
b. Micro transaction that allows users to purchase a box of holding (additional inventory slots)

5. Companion equipment. How cool would it be if you could equip a humanoid companion with weapons or armor.
6. Companion Vendor. Nuff said here. Give my wolfy some titanium fangs lol.
7. Mobile Camps. There needs to be a way to setup a Camp in the forest if I have to wait until night or morning to visit the vendors instead of going all the way back to the city camp area. Maybe its a tent we can purchase.
8. Different types of chests. Its really weird to open a chest with only 60 gold in it. Maybe we can see different grades of chests like Pouches, Bags, Wooden/ bronze / silver / gold / platinum / jeweled chests. Part of the fun is guessing whats in the box. Kinda like Christmas presents. Very disappointing to open a huge box under a tree to get a 10 dollar bill.
8. Additional stats and enchantments to items. You could actually increase by an order of magnitude the different items in the game by adding random stats to items. Weather its a +1 enchantment or +5 to int stat increase. That would give some flavor to those items we find. Do I keep the +2 staff or this other staff I just got that gives me +1 Int.
9. Retired character or Monster companion. Add the feature of retiring a character or companion into the world. They become a new monster class in the world and your party could have a chance to meet up and fight with them in the future. In fact it could be even better if the retired character or companion was uploaded into a universal file that can be updated by everyone that plays the game.

Requests I would like to second.

1. Vendors should carry the items I sold to them. So the ability to buy back as needed. They could also carry some special items sometimes.
2 . A monster only companion row. Monster companions was one of the cool factors within the Bards Tale world. But I dont really want to remove one of my characters that I have invested a lot of time into leveling just to try this out.

I'll start with this list and see what you all think. I hope it helps. I'll add more as I continue playing and if the feedback is positive.


PS. Happy Holidays!

Hello Rhune,

thank you very much for your interesting list of additions :-)
I will think about these things when planning the next update.

As for the companion slot:
In Bard's Tale 1, the slot ("S") was reserved, yes. In Bard's Tale 3, you got 7 slots, and could decide whether to fill them with monsters or with characters. I wanted to have that freedom in Silversword, too, so it is up to you if you take 7 members, or maybe 6 + 1.


P.S. I wish you happy holidays, too :-)

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a port of Bard's Tale for the NES? For some reason it sticks in my mind that there was. As for Silversword I really love the ambience and sound effects, particularly when you play songs with your Bard. Very cool.